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I think that the #1 killer of teenagers is car crashes

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Q: What is the number one killer of teenage drivers?
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What is the number one killer of teenagers while driving?

There are several factors that increase the risk of death in teenage drivers. In 2012, 52% of the drivers and 59% of the passengers that were involved in fatal car accidents were not wearing their seatbelts, making it one of the leading causes of death in teenage drivers.

What is the number one killer of teenagers driving?

There are several factors that increase the risk of death in teenage drivers. In 2012, 52% of the drivers and 59% of the passengers that were involved in fatal car accidents were not wearing their seatbelts, making it one of the leading causes of death in teenage drivers.

Why is insurance so expensive for teenage drivers?

Insurance is expensive for teenage drivers for a number of reasons. The number one reason being that they are highly irresponsible and don't necessarily follow all the rules at all times. Other reasons include their phone, distractions, and drinking and driving.

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Who was the number one killer in the civil war? DISEASE

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TB is the number one killer of people with HIV, not bone disease.Bone disease is not the number one killer of people with HIV, TB is.

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The number one is the wolf

Does the risk of teenage drivers increases with one two or three or more passengers?

A single teenage driver is a priori a menace, and all risks increase as soon as you start adding passengers.

Do all car insurance companies in Georgia accept teen drivers?

Yes, car insurance companies in Georgia accept teen drivers. The best one that accepts teenage drivers is AAA. It has the cheapest prices and is the easiest for them to get on.

What was the number one killer in the civil war?


What is the number one killer in Australia?

Heart disease

What is the number of teenage fathers who support their children past one year?

There is a great number of teenage fathers who support their children past one year. It is estimated that about half of these fathers fall into this category.

What is the number one killer of persons with HIV?

bone disease