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As with any type of violation, a DUI can heavily influence insurance rates. Typically the insurance premium will increase for at least three years. It can also be difficult to obtain insurance after a DUI.

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It depends on your state as to whether or not they will still have a license. In Georgia they would loose the license. As far as insurance rate it will definitely have a bad effect.

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11y ago

DUI convictions make one's insurance rates much more expensive. They generally increase by around 100%, and for young drivers they can increase even more.

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Related questions

How does a DUI affect my insurance rates?

A DUI can have significant effects on your insurance premiums. Many insurance companies see DUI convictions as a sign of high risk and may increase your premiums or even cancel your coverage as a result. The specific impact on your rates will depend on your insurance company's policies and your state's laws, but it's not uncommon for DUI convictions to result in premium increases of hundreds or even thousands of dollars per year.

Insurance after a dui?

No. If you have any DUI's or DWI's on you record, you would be seen by the insurance companies as a driving risk and would not get low rates.

How much will your insurance rates go up if a minor gets a DUI in Texas?

Your insurance rates shouldn't go up by much. Their insurance rates are the ones that will be affected and they will find it difficult to find insurance that will carry them.

Can I get lower car insurance rates with DUI if I live in a specific location?

There are ways to reduce your car insurance rates after a DUI. Some states have classes you can take to reduce your rates and there are other ways to reduce also. Perhaps Virginia is providing means of reducing rates that are not available in Michigan.

If you are charged with a DUI will travelers insurance company rates go up?

The rates won't go up; they will cancel your insurance instead. Personal knowledge.

What will happen to my car insurance for a driver with a DUI in Pennsylvania?

DUI is a very serious matter. You can expect your rates to increase by a large portion. They can revoke your insurance if they see fit to as well. If they do not revoke it, you will have to get SSR insurance.

How long will car insurance rates stay high after NC DUI conviction?


Why are woman's car insurance rates lower than men's rates?

Women's car insurance rates are lower than men's insurance rates because women are less likely to have a DUI. Women are also less likely to have a moving violation.

What happens to the owner of a car when a person that is not them gets a DUI?

Their insurance rates will likely go up.

How much is the insurance rate increase for a DUI?

Most insurance companies will refuse to cover you once you are convicted of a DUI. At that point you will be required to purchase special insurance that is just for high risk drivers such as people convicted of DUI. The price will depend on the perceived risk of your behavior. After you have driven without additional DUI arrests and demonstrated that you can drive safely for a few years, your rates may return to something more normal. In the interim, your rates may increase up to several times what you paid before.

Who sells car insurance in Kentucky for DUI drivers?

Dick Watts insurance offers policies for people who have had DUIs. The rates are very low compared to others.

If your husband gets a DUI and you divorce does his high insurance rates follow you?

No. Your insurance rates are determined by the driving record(s) of the driver(s) on the policy. If your husband isn't on your policy then you won't be affected. Look at your insurance declarations page to see what drivers are on your policy.