I haven't noticed that many bikers using it but if they do you can bet it got its basis from the Wehrmacht bikers during WW2. The iron cross is a German symbol. The Germans were some of the first to employ motorcycles heavily in combat. The iron cross and other symbols like it had their base in the medieval era including the teutonic knights who the Germans used as propoganda.
You know how some bikers wear those kaizer helmets with the metal spike on top, or we think of bikers like that, its the same concept.
Some punks use the iron cross as a symbol of rebellion and non-conformity. However, it is important to note that the iron cross also has historical connotations, as it was a military decoration in Germany. It is a controversial symbol that can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
They use Fe for Iron.
the jerusalem cross
The Red Cross Symbol Came from the Hospotails all over the world as you may know that the Emergancy services Use the cross as the people Sick .
A crucifix is a religious symbol of Jesus hanging on a cross. Methodists believe that Jesus did die on the cross, and know that there are indeed depictions of Jesus on the cross, but they do not use the crucifix as their own symbol.
It is a symbol of racistness and hate
To type a cross symbol (β), you can use a keyboard shortcut if available for your system or application. For example, on Windows, you can press and hold the Alt key while typing 0134 on the numeric keypad. On a Mac, you can use the Option + t shortcut to type the symbol. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the cross symbol from another source.
Because Jesus, the person on whom Christianity is based, died on a cross.
Because Jesus, the person on whom Christianity is based, died on a cross.
The chemical symbol for iron in France, like in all countries, is Fe.
There is no way to answer your question unless you tell us what the symbol is. Do you mean a cross? Or perhaps a fish symbol? Please clarify your question.