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Because they are excited

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Q: Why do people burn couches and flip cars when their team wins?
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Related questions

Do cars flip more than SUV?

no actually suv's are easier to flip than cars and trucks

How can you use the word flip in a sentence?

She decided to flip the pancake to cook the other side.

Where are matchbox cars made?

flip the darn thing over and it ought to say "made in China".

Can you flip people in karate?

Flip? You mean throw people? Karate includes grappling and throws in its arsenal of techniques.

What will happen if you flip the bird?

If you flip the bird, then people will think you're a mean person

Is her son flip her real life son?

There are several famous people who are named Flip. For example, Flip Wilson's mother named him Flip and he was her real life son. Flip Johnson is a famous football player and Flip Lafferty was a baseball player.

What is the name of the sport where players run over jump on flip over and off of and scale buildings and cars?


What is a dolphin flip in skate?

A dolphin flip is a forward flip but people make up weird names for tricks. Forward flips are also called murder flips.

What would people do if it was the end of the world?

Freak the flip out

Who wore the first flip flops?

There are records of a version of a flip flop being worn by people in early Egyptian times

Which skateboard brand is better flip or black label?

Flip is more popular and has higher quality boards. Flip has less concave though. Some people like that. It's an opinion.

What is a Flip Words people category that starts with a j?
