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Q: Will a 17yr old lose their licence for 2 speeding tickets in 1 year?
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Can speeding tickets in Mississippi cause you to lose your license?

If you get too many of them, yes.

Will you lose your license after 3 speeding tickets?

Depends in which state you are in and how many points each tickettakes...

Will you lose your insurance for a speeding ticket in Florida?

depends on how many speeding tickets you have. your rates may go up and yes, you can lose your insurance. if that happens it is hard to get insured and you will have topay higher premiums until the ticket goes off your record.

What do you do if your 17yr old moves out but is failing in school and not attending school will they lose their ssi due to parents receive ssdi?

Yes if you 17yr old moves and is not attending school and is filing there classes will they lose their SSI. It is a good chance that the parents will lose SSDI also.

What happens if you don't pay a speeding ticket on time in the state of Illinois?

If a person does not pay their speeding tickets on time in the state of Illinois, they can lose their license. People can either pay online or pay at a court appearance.

What do you do if you lose your provisional?

what do you do if you lose your provisional licence

When does a speeding offense expire?

No tickets do not expire. They can be collected on any time after they are issued. Most insurance companies will not count them after a period of time. And the points are removed from the driving record eventually, the length varies by state.

If your 16 year old is caught speeding will he lose his license?

Most likely not, depends how much he was speeding

How many tickets can you get in Virginia before you lose your license?

How many tickets can a 17 year old get before you lose your driving license

In NY a speeding ticket for going 27 miles per hour over the limit will you lose your license?

I don't know how much it will be but I don't think you will loose you licence unless you have a lot of points. Points is usually what it's based on when loosing your license

Fourth speeding ticket in twelve months?

lose your license

What happens if you get 5 speeding tickets in a year in Ohio?

depending on the speed you were going, and exactly where the incidents occured, you would probably lose your license before even getting up to 5. However Ohio is known for using speeding tickets as a source of revenue and being pretty lenient as long as you pay the fine quickly. It also depends on if you are licensed in Ohio or not. If you are licensed out of state, as long as you pay the fine your home state will probably never know.