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Q: 1. Clarence Darrow became famous in 1925 because he?
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Why did Clarence Darrow became famous in 1925?

He was a defense attorney in the Scopes trial

Why did clarence darrow become famous?

US citizen Clarence Darrow became famous for his activities as an attorney. He was involved as a defense attorney and helped end the famous Pullman train car strike. Darrow was also involved in the famous "Scopes monkey " trial. He was born in 1857 and died in 1938.

Clarence Darrow was made famous in 1925 because he?

defended teacher John Scopes on behalf of the ACLU.

What was the subject of the famous 1925 trial where lawyers clarence darrow and William jennings Bryan talked about monkeys?

The famous 1925 "monkey trial" was on the subject of teaching evolution.

Who was John Scopes defense lawyer in the famous Scopes trial?

Clarence Darrow was John Scopes' lawyer. The opposite lawyer was Bryan. Bryan won the case, but he lost the argument. Evolution wasn't taught in the classroom for another 45 years.

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Why darrow decide not to give a closing argument?

In the famous court case The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes, known popularly as the "Scopes Monkey Trial," school teacher Thomas scopes was charged with teaching the theory of evolution. Teaching evolution was then illegal in Tennessee under the Butler act. Famous attorney Clarence Darrow was among those who represented Scopes, and the prosecution included three-time presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan.At the end of the trial, in which the judge had not allowed any evidence regarding the overwhelming acceptance of evolution by scientists, Clarence Darrow declined to give a closing argument. Under Tennessee law, this prevented the prosecution,and therefore Bryan, the right to give a closing summation as well.

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Magellan became famous because he was the first to lead a circumnavigation of the world in ship.

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