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First Estate: clergy

Second Estate: nobility

Third Estate: everybody else; bourgeoisie, proletariat, and peasants. They made up the vast majority of the French population, but were constantly trampled on and underrepresented.

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Q: 3 french estates
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How was french society divided hierarchically in the old regime?

the french society in the old regime was divided into three they were the ; *clergy as first estate *nobles as second estate *commoners as third estate

Explain the conditions of France before the french revolution with special reference women's status in the society?

Condition of France before the French Revolution:- 1) Division of Society into three states which created a sense of disparity among the citizens of France. 2. Heavy burden of taxes were put on the Third Estate of the France which mainly initialized and lead the French revolution. 3. There was a wide gap between the people of different Estates due to uneven distribution of wages and decreased pace of prices of commodities and low wages of lower estate. 4. No Political Rights- - the above two estates has the total control over the social and economic decisions of the country. - No rights given to the women in jobs etc.

The meeting of the Estates-General?

Frankly, it can't. Before the Estates General, the King (and his minister Calonne) called an Assembly of Notables to try and sort out the financial mess the country was in. The notables, however, including six out of seven royal Dukes, turned out to be more radical than anybody had expected, and to demand great strides towards the representation of the people. Most of them also demanded the calling of the Estates, which is what the King simply had to do next. Once the Estates were called, the crazy voting system was bound to cause trouble, and again many of the Second estate (the Nobles) sided with the Third and helped them form a National Assembly, which produced the first Constitution.

In percentages what are the top 3 languages spoken in France?

French (95%)German (

What is a french size 40 equal to?

The diameter in millimeters of the catheter can be determined by dividing the French size by 3. 40 Fr = 11.24mm

Related questions

French estates proir to the revolution?

There were 3 estates: the third estate was the bourgeoisie. They represented 97% of all inhabitants of France. There other two estates (the first and second) were the nobility and the clergy (the representatives of the church).

Which estates do the 3 colors on the french flag represent?

Red, White, and Blue are to represent liberty, equality, and fraternity.

What role did the estates general play in triggering the french revolution?

The society was classified into 3 estates. 1st and 2nd estates were rich . 2nd estate people were loyal to King. the 3rd estate contained the poor like Merchants, cobbler's etc.,

How was the french society in the 18th century?

the french society was divided into 3 parts the 1st 2nd and 3rd estate .the first and the second estates didn't had to pay taxes the third had to.................

What was the third esates in freach society?

The French Estates - General consisted of representatives of three estates: 1) Clergy 2) Nobility 3) The commoners. The third estate included all the professional, commercial and middle-class groups of the country.

3 representatives one for nobles one for church and one for people What is this?

Cleric, Knight and Workman was what comprised the three estates of the French medieval illumination times.

What are the names of the 3 Estates involved in the French Revolution?

The First Estate which was the Catholic Clergy. The Second Estate which consisted of the Nobles. Everyone else was in the Third Estate.

What were the percentages of the 3 estates of French Society just before the Revolution?

Just before the French revolution, the 3 estates of French society were the first estate made up of the Clergy, the second estate made up of nobles and the third estate made up of the peasants. During this time, the first estate made up 0.5% of the population, the second estate made up 1.5% and the third estate made up the remaining 98%.

Did the estate general go with the 3 estate- yes or no?

The Estates general (Etats-Generaux) IS the 3 Estates (Clergy, Nobility, Commons) taken as a whole.

Who were the members of 3 estates?


How did the Estates-General Differ from parliament?

The estates general had 3 estates, commoners, clergy, and nobility. Parliament had 2, commoners and nobility. More important, the estates general had given the king the ability to levy taxes. Parliament never gave the king that authority. As a result the British Parliament met constantly because the king always needed money. The estates general stopped meeting after it gave the king the power to levy taxes. When things became a total mess and the laws needed to be changed, then King Louis xvi had to call a meeting of the Estates General. At that point things got out of hand and the French Revolution started.

3 estates of renaissance society?

the cleric,the knight,and the workman