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Q: AB plus ve couples can get married?
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Can O plus ve mother and O plus ve father can give AB plus ve son?

they did not have A and B group at all so they can only produce a baby with O -ve or +ve

Is there any problem to child if mother is AB plus ve and father is O plus plus ve?

Not a problem concerning Haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN), the mum would have to be rh negative for that to be a potential issue.

What was blood group of Mahatma Gandhi?

o ve+

What is Sebastian loeb blood type?

its AB -ve

What group can you give blood if you have blood group A?

A ab Blood Group A+ve patient can receive donors of Group: A +ve . A-ve . O+ve And O -ve , and patient with blood group A -ve and can only receive A-ve and O -ve, in terms of Packed red cells ( Red blood cells) is required .

Can O plus ve mother and B plus ve father can give A plus ve son?

Can O plus mother and B plus father can give A plus son?

Does negative plus negative equal negative?

I'm pretty sure that -ve plus -ve equals another -ve. -ve plus +ve equals either one of the two, depending on which # is bigger. Same with +ve plus -ve. +ve plus +ve equals +ve. I have done my research and I found out negative plus negative can be negative or positive depending on the bigger number. But, a lot of people make the mistake of subtracting even though the sign is a plus. Example: -7.29 + -3.8= -11.09 but if it was 7.29 + -3.8 the answer 11.09 would be positive because the bigger number is positive.

Can AB ve marry AB ve?

When talking only about marriage itself, a man with blood type AB can marry a woman with the same blood type. However, when talking about having children, having different Rh factors in the blood can cause fertility issues.

What is the second rarest blood type?

not sure but it may be AB -ve

Is female AB-ve compatible with B plus ve for pregnancy?

The rh- female could become sensitized by an rh+ baby, so that a second rh+ child could have problems. However, there are injections that an rh- pregnant woman can receive to reduce or eliminate the problem.

Can a person of ab-ve blood group accept o-ve blood?

No. Type O blood has anti-A and anti-B antibodies.

Can two parents with B plus ve will they can produce B-ve baby?

Can a b+ve male and b+ve female produce b+ ve male