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"short circuit"

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Q: A connection that allows current to take an unintended path?
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What is an unintended high-current closed connection between two points in a circuit called?

short or short circuit

What do you call an unintended path that electricity travels?

An unintended path that electricity travels is called a "short circuit." This occurs when an electric current bypasses the intended route and flows through a different path of lower resistance, potentially causing damage or sparking fires.

How do you know when you have a circuit?

tuned circuit

What is the term used for a circuit path that is shorter than its intended path?

A short circuit refers to an unintended connection between two points in an electrical circuit that bypasses the intended load. This can result in excessive current flow and can cause damage to the circuit components.

Short circuit?

A short circuit occurs when an unintended connection is made between two points in an electrical circuit, causing a low resistance path for the current to flow. This can result in excessive current flow, overheating, and potentially damaging the circuit components. Short circuits are typically identified and resolved by locating and fixing the unintended connection.

What do you mean by short circuit?

A short circuit is an electrical fault that occurs when an unintended connection is made between two nodes in a circuit, resulting in excessive current flow. This can lead to overheating, damage to components, and potentially cause a fire.

Why a short circuit happen?

A short circuit occurs when there is an unintended connection between two conductors with different voltages, causing excessive current flow. This can be due to damaged insulation, faulty wiring, or a faulty appliance. The excess current can lead to overheating, sparks, and potentially fire.

What is a connection that allows current to take the path of least resistant?

Current will tend to take the path of least resistance in any case. That's its nature. A short circuit (or "short") is a low resistance current path that current will follow if it appears.

A path created for a current that allows only one route for the current is called?

Series circuit.

What path is created for a current that allows only one route for the current?

A controlled and linear path of current is an electrical circuit. A complete circuit has a beginning and terminus for the flow of charge.

What is a ground fault?

A ground fault is an electrical fault that occurs when an unintended path forms between an electrical current-carrying conductor and the ground. This can result in excess current flowing through the unintended path and can lead to shock hazards or electrical fires. Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) are used to detect and quickly stop the flow of electricity in such situations to prevent accidents.

A path that allows only one route for a current is called a?

series circuit