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Q: A fundamental similarity in plots regardless of genre was diagrammed in pyramid?
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What is the similarity between a cone and a pyramid?

They both ave a wide base and come to a point.

How is a square and a pyramid alike?

In most respects a square which is a 2-dimensional figure is not like a pyramid which is 3-dimensional. All the sides of the square are the same length whereas none of a pyramid's sides need be. The only point of similarity is that both are defined by straight lines.

What fundamental rights did medieval people enjoy?

The lords could not take the away the serfs' right to farm and live on the manor.The concept of "rights" comes out of the Enlightenment. In the Middle Ages, a person had "privileges" which could be given or revoked by a living king. As a result, a person could do what they were allowed to do. This is in fundamental disagreement with the idea of "rights" because a right exists regardless of what the current laws say.

What are similarities and differences between a prism and a pyramid?

Similarity: both of them are solid. Difference: prisms have planes that are parallel to each other whereas pyramids does not have planes which are parallel to each other. XDXD

What is the same and different about a prism and a pyramid?

Well they are different shapes: prism: A solid object that has two identical ends and all flat sides. The cross section is the same all along its length. The shape of the ends give the prism a name, such as "triangular prism" It is also a polyhedron. Pyramid: A solid object where: The base is a polygon (a straight-sided shape) The sides are triangles which meet at the top (the apex). It is a polyhedron. This is a square pyramid, but there are also triangular pyramids, pentagonal pyramids, and so on. Difference: In a pyramid there are 4 faces which are triangular in shape and there is 1 face which is a square which is its base. On the other hand, A prism has 3 rectangular faces and 2 equilateral triangular faces which work as its base. Similarity: Both of them have triangular faces. Actually I don't find any similarity between them, except that and they are polyhedrons. Plus the base of a pyramid alters the name of the pyramid, just like the end of a prism does.

How are prisms and pyramids alike?

Both pyramids and prisms are three dimensional. Both of them have polygon faces. Another thing common about pyramids and prisms is that they have a base and faces.

What is one similarity between Rubens's Elevation of the Cross and Velázquez's Las Meninas?

They use foreshortening to depict the figures projecting into the viewer's space

What is the name of the second pyramid's?

The Pyramid of Khafre The Pyramid of Khafre

What type of pyramid is the Giza pyramid?

A pyramid....

Why is the face other than the base on a pyramid always triangular?

That is how a pyramid is defined!That is how a pyramid is defined!That is how a pyramid is defined!That is how a pyramid is defined!

What are some famous pyramids?

The Great Pyramid and the Red Pyramid, and all of the pyramids of Giza. Even the Step Pyramid is famous. * Great Pyramid * Step Pyramid * Bent Pyramid * Red Pyramid

Out of the three Giza pyramids which one is the largest?

The Pyramid of Khufu - also known as the Pyramid of Cheops or the Great Pyramid of Giza.