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Q: About 80 percent of India's people follow what religion?
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How many percent does France's Christian population to the world is?

56% of people in France follow the religion of Christianity

What color do holy people wear in India?

The majority of people of India follow the Hindu Religion , the holy people following the Hindu religion wear the Saffron colour.

Can you say do or write anything you want if its in your religion?

What a good quetion!!! NO, because it`s your religion and I suppose only a few people say bad things about their religion .Maby it`s because they don`t like some thing in their religion and say and write anything bad that does`nt mean you have to follow and that`s a not right thing to do but remember if you are believing in a religion, you must respect and follow your religion not doing the opposite.

Why do people follow the religion judaism?

Most of Judaism's followers were born into Jewish homes. Others become converts, usually because they marry Jews; some do it because they want to follow the beliefs held in this 5,000-years-old monotheistic religion. Judaism is followed by its people like others follow theirs. It is, however, more than a religion to its followers, it is a way of life and each follower is connected to the others by a strong sense of belonging together as a nation.

What religion are the majority of India's people?

In India, the major religion is Hinduism which is about 80% of the population. Other religions in India are Muslims (about 13%) Christians (about 2%) and other small religions make up the other 5%.

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What is indias dominate religion?

The main religion for the people of India , as they are Hindus. This also include the sikhs.

How many percent does France's Christian population to the world is?

56% of people in France follow the religion of Christianity

What is indias official religion?

India does not have an official state religion; it enshrines the right to practice, preach, and propagate any religion. People of different Religion lives here..Together...

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Christian, but follow the Roman Catholic strand.

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the religion twi speakers follow is Africa or christiantie

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The Republic of the Union of Myanymar is more commonly known as Burma. The people who live in this country are from many ethnic groups, the largest being the Bamar. 89 percent of the population follow the Buddhist religion.

What are People called who follow the religion of Islam .?

Muslims is the Arabic word for people who follow the religion of Islam.

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The Islamic religion

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