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Q: Are Tusken Raiders good or bad?
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What star wars book is a tusken raider in?

Tatoonie Ghost features some tusken raiders.

What group kidnapped Anakin's mother in Attack of the Clones?

Tusken Raiders

What group kidnapped anikin's mother in attack of the clones?

Tuskan Raiders or Sand People Its Tuskan Raiders

What is another name for the sand people in star wars A New Hope?

Tusken Raiders .

What are some tusken raider names?

tusken raiders are called:tusken raiders, and sand people.{fun fact:sand people are native to tatooine and if the show even a little bit of their skin on any ocasion besides weddings they are either killed or thrown out of the tribe depending on the tribe.}

What creatures do stormtroopers ride?

The Tusken Raiders, also called Sand People rode large elephant-like creatures called Banthas.

What creatures were in star-wars?

Many different kinds. Like Gugans, Bhandahs, Reeks, Nexus, Tusken Raiders, Humans, Jawas, Clones, etc.

Who killed anikan skywalkers mum?

Well, she wasn't technically killed. She was taken prisoner by Tusken Raiders. But she has been held hostage for a month and when she died in Anakin's arms, she was battered, severely dehydrated and sleep-deprived. She was just too weak to hold on any longer

What do Tusken Raiders from Star Wars look like without their robes?

This is unknown. The Tusken Raiders, also known as Sand People, have to keep their masks and robes on to protect them from the harsh, desert climate of Tatooine. As far as expanded universe info goes, sand people are not human.

Why the raiders are a bad team?

because they need a good quarterback ,runningback, and fair recievers all at the same time.

How did anikin skywalker die?

He died when he sacrificed himself for his son Luke, who was being electrocuted to death by the Emperor. At that moment, he realized his son was right and that there was still good on him. But when he killed the Emperor by throwing him into a reactor core, the Sith lightning malfunctioned the armor keeping him alive

Why are the Raiders so bad?

Al Davis. That's why.