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Q: Are all low sounds quiet
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Is an elephants pitch soft or loud?

Pitch is not loudness; an elephant can make both loud and quiet sounds, however all of their sounds are relatively low pitch.

How can you differentiate between high and loud sounds and low and soft sounds?

High sounds are usually heard when you play the keys of a piano that are on your right; they have shorter wavelengths than low sounds. Low sounds are usually heard when the keys on a piano's left end are played; they have long wavelengths. Soft sounds are quiet and can't render your ears deaf. Loud sounds that are over 85 decibels can damage your hearing.

Sounds that are barely audible are describes as?

Sounds that are barely audible are describes as very quiet. To hear sounds that are very quiet your ears will usually have to strain.

What are some examples of quiet sounds?

you could take a sound wave, and take away all of it's medium

Which animal can hear the most quiet sounds?

Dogs can hear extremely quiet sounds. Another animal that is capable of hearing sounds inaudible to humans are dolphins and bats.

If you have quiet eruption what kind of silica do you have?

If you have a quiet eruption you have low silica.

Is mount merapi a quiet or explosive volcano?

quiet low silicia

How does a quiet hawaiian laugh?

A quiet Hawaiian might chuckle softly or give a small, subdued laugh. Laughing quietly is often a sign of politeness and respect in Hawaiian culture.

Why aren't all sounds the same?

It is because some sounds can be in high voices and some can be in some low voices. Justin Bieber

What kind of setting does a low energy quiet environment provide for?

A low energy, quiet environment provides an ideal setting for sedimentary rocks to form.

Magma that is low in silica generally produces what kind of eruption?

It produces a quiet eruption.

What does a cat do to pick up very soft sounds?

Be quiet and listen...