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Do you know the Sakabato sword? On the normal Katana, the outward curved side of the blade is sharpened, while the inward curved side of the blade is blunt.

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Q: Are anime swords sharp
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Related questions

What is a good anime that involves swords?

RomeoXJuliet and Inuyasha.

What are the swords called in the anime Bleach?

Each sword in the anime has its own name. The main name for these swords though is bankai. Some of the other names are Zangetsu, Shinsou, and Fujikujaku.

Would the swords used in Shakespeare's plays be sharp?

No. Sharp swords are way too dangerous for stage fighting. Nobody wants anyone to get really hurt.

What does animax sell in Memphis tn?

Plushies, Largest Anime Selection in Memphis (Much cheaper then most places), Anime Music CD's (Small), Cosplays (Small), Swords/Cosplay Swords, Import Games (Small), Comic/Anime Figures, Hentai DVD's, and last they have a Anime rental section!

What is the obsession to acquire sharp objects?

oxymania :(obsession for sharp objects) xiphimania (swords obsession)

What does the website True Swords specialise in?

True Swords is a website that specializes in the creation and selling of various swords, as well as anime cosplays, movie replicas, ninja knives, and katanas.

What were swords like in Elizabethan times?

They were long and sharp. And they have cool handles.

What weapons were used in tournaments?

Blunt lances and swords without a sharp edge.

Swords and daggers?

Daggers are short knifes that people use to cut things or wound someone. Swords are sharp weapons used in the middle age. .............................. A dagger is a sharp pointed short knife whose main aim is stabbing and cutting So dagger is a form of knife. Swords are the extended versions of daggers. So you can include that from daggers, swords were evolved.

What did swords look like back then?

Swords looked like long, straight, and sharp pointy sticks with a handle that you could grip easily and hold.

Are swords illegal for minors?

No, swords are not illegal for minors, but the parent has to decide whether they will let their kids play with swords. If it was a real actually sharp sword, I would take caution and judge by the child's maturity. If the sword was metal but not sharp, again take caution, the dull metal swords can still hurt if swung hard enough. And the fake toy ones, anyone can play with those.

Which bleach anime movie has the souls of their swords come out and take over?

It wasn't any movies it was a couple of episodes