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Yes! They're great!

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Q: Are people in Argentina nice
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How do Argentina people dress?

People in Argentina are very fashion conscious. The women wear very feminine clothing and the men wear nice pants and dressy shoes. All of their clothes are nice fitting

How do people dress in Argentina?

In Argentina people dress in nice fitting clothes. The men usually wear nice pants and dressy shoes, while the women wear very feminine clothing. They are a very fashion conscious country.

What are some interesting facts about Argentina?

They're very nice to people and they cook delicious food.

What are Argentina major Imports?

chocolate is nice

How many pro football teams have Argentina got?

nice grammer

What do people call people from Argentina?

If somebody is from Argentina, they are Argentines or Argentinians

Did Nazi people killed people in Argentina?

No, the Nazis did not control Argentina.

What do you call people from Argentina?

The people that are from Argentina are known as Argentinians. Argentina is a country that is located in South America.

What holidays do people from Argentina celebrate?

people in Argentina celebrate Columbus and independence day

What are Argentina's religion's?

Most people in Argentina are Roman Catholic.

What language do they speak in Argentina?

People speak Spanish in Argentina.

How do you say nice to meet you in Argentina spanish?

Translation: Encantado(a) a conocer-vos.