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The skeleton of a shark is very different from that of bony fish and terrestrial vertebrates. Sharks and other cartilaginous fish (skates and rays) have skeletons made from cartilage, which is a flexible and dense connective tissue, but they are still considered bones. They function in the same way as human bones do. Like its relatives, rays and skates, the shark's jaw is not attached to the cranium. The jaw's surface, like its vertebrae and gill arches, is a skeletal element that needs extra support due to its heavier exposure to physical stress and its need for extra strength. It has therefore a layer of unique and tiny hexagonal plates called "tesserae", crystal blocks of calcium salts arranged as a mosaic.[6] This gives these areas much of the same strength found in real and much heavier bony tissue.

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Q: Are shark jaws cartilage
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The shark in jaws was not real it was mechanical

When did Shark Jaws happen?

Shark Jaws happened in 1975.

When was Shark Jaws created?

Shark Jaws was created in 1975-02.

What are shark's teeth made of?

Shark teeth are infact made of scales, the same scales which covers it's body, but in case of its teeth it has been enlarged and strenghted.

In which Jaws movie do they blow up the shark?

The shark is blown up in the original Jaws film, and in Jaws 3.

Why is shark cartilage important to the shark?

cartilage is more flexible than bone making the shark more hydrodynamic.

What is the cartiliage?

cartilage is not bone it is the skeleton of a shark the shark's body's skeleton is made of cartilage the top of your ear is made of cartilage

Is jaws the shark real or rubber?

The movie "Jaws" used a mechanical shark, not a real one.

Do the shark from jaws the revenge kill who from jaws answer it?


How much cartilage does a shark have?

the shark has about 85% of the body is cartilage because with out it they can not move as fast or as agile as they are with it