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Actually, there are a number of variables on which intellectual development and intelligence rely. Number one among these is the genetic lottery. Without the potential for intelligence programmed into your DNA, the ability to reach very far will forever be out of your grasp.

Diet and general health are critically important as well, especially during the first year of life when brain development is at its height.

Add to this socio-economic standing, environmental factors, access to education, the quality of that education, relationships, parental involvement, medications taken, and personal interests.

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No... It depends on a persons devotion to study that makes a person smart.

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Q: Are tall people more smarter than short people and how?
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"You are smarter" is the correct form ("smarter" is the conventional way of saying "more smart"). This -er rule works for many other words:More tall --> "You are taller than her"More thin --> "You look thinner than you did a week ago"More smart --> "She is smarter than him"

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Do short people weigh more than tall people?

Not always true depending on the person's family history and ethnicity

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short people can have tall kids because the short people have genes, if they are small, they might have one gene of tallness, but u need more than one gene to have yourself be tall. if the other person in the ,marriage had one gene too, the genes togetrher could cause their kids to be tall

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Yes, taller people shrink more due to gravity pulling on their vetebras and bones. Also, many tall people have some form of scoliosis or other curvature of the spine.

What is the average height of an thai woman?

It is a stereotype that Thai people are short but that is NOT true there are short people and tall people there for I can not answer your question!!

What is it called when your afraid of short people?

I believe that gigaphobia is the fear of tall people.

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