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There are many similarities between Dodos and Seagulls. As they are both species of bird, they share the many common factors that all bird have in common. Here are a few of the similarities between Seagulls and Dodos (and indeed all birds):

* All bird, including both Dodos and Seagulls have feather covering their body's. * They both have beaks, although they are different shapes and sizes, with the Dodo's being rather over sized and bulky and the Seagull's being smaller and slender. * They both reproduce by lying eggs. * They are both warm blooded animals, a term which means they maintain a constant bodily temperature using endothermic means, such as shivering and sweating. * They both have vertebrates, meaning that they are both animals with a backbone. * They both have wings, although the Dodo was unable to use they to fly. The Dodo was a flightless bird, where are the Seagull is an accomplished flyer. * They were both Bipeds, as they walk on two feet.

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