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Silver (Ag).

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Q: At room temperature what element conducts electricity better than any other?
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Why do fruits conduct electricity better than vegetables?

More electrolytes.

Does ac work better with doors closed?

Absolutely. If you leave the doors open, the air conditioner will need to work over capacity as you are allowing warm air into the area. As well as warm air entering, you are allowing the cooled air to exit. Having the doors open means that the air will not cool to the temperature you have set the air conditioner to, and it will be using far more electricity than it usually would with the doors closed.

What is the best electricial conductor?

the_best_is_silver">the best is silver-----Silver is better than copper which is better than gold which is better than aluminum.The absolute best would be a super-conductor at a temperature of absolute zero.

How did the thermometer make life better?

yes, indeed thermometer makes life better. if there was no thermometer people would not know about the temperature varying in their body and if they had fever they would not be able to know and cure it. hen of course it would lead to deaths.therefore without thermometer there would have been thousands of deaths. there are different types of thermometer not only for body temperature but also for the surroundings.

Why does zener diode have negative temp coeff?

Zener Diodes like all other diodes use a semiconductor P-N junction. The focus of this topic is actually more on the semiconductor characteristics than the diode it self. Semiconductors are not conductors and do not exhibit the same behavior than conductors. In this section free electron band and conductive band are used synonymously and Fermi level is a quantum mechanical term I can roughly define in semiconductor physics for a basic understanding as the kinetic energy of the electron in the highest quantum level. Semiconductors do not have electrons in the conduction band. All electrons are bound in covalent bonds and their valance bands are nearly filled under normal condition. It is required for an external energy to increase the Fermi level of the electrons in the valance energy band to jump the energy gap (forbidden band) into the conduction band. Then the semiconductor becomes conductive. Thermal energy is one type of energy that can raise the Fermi level of the fermions (particularly electrons in this case) in the valance electron band to jump the energy gap into the conduction band. This will increase the probability for an electron to find it self in the conduction band resulting in the semiconductor to become more conductive. In this case we will see that the contribution that thermal energy makes to increase conductivity by raising the Fermi level is much more than the contribution thermal energy makes to increase resistance, by making the atoms vibrate more, increasing collusions between electrons. This cause the semiconductor to form NTC (negative temperature coefficients), The higher the temperature the better it conducts within normal boundaries. With conductors, they already have electrons in conductive bands and by adding energy to it will not make that much difference in the amount of free electrons (conductivity). This cause a very small contribution to increasing conductivity. But the contribution to increase resistances are far greater due to the vibration of the atom causing more collisions between electrons. This give conductors a PTC (positive temperature coefficient) in normal conditions and cause the electrical resistance to increase when temperature increases. One can also take note that not only silicon Si and germanium Ge are semiconductors, but carbon only appear to be a conductor because it conducts electricity and often misunderstood on "school science" level. It is actually a semiconductor and also have NTC (negative temperature coefficients). Graphite can conduct electricity due to the vast electron delocalization within the carbon layers, a phenomenon called aromaticity. These valence electrons are free to move, so are able to conduct electricity. However, the electricity is only conducted within the plane of the layers.

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As a metal becomes colder, it generally conducts electricity more efficiently.

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Which is the metal that is best conductor of heat and electricity?

Silver is the best metal which is the conductor of electricity and heat. Silver is the best electricity conducting element, but not the best heat conductor. Carbon(Diamond) and Helium(Helium II state) are even better conductors of heat.

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Probably Water, it conducts but doesnt send the current around a single direction, instead scatters it out.

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The more pure the better. Pure copper.

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Selenium is a semiconductor with a black form that was used in xerography because it conducts electricity better when light is shined on it. However, use of this material is being phased out.

Does copper conduct electricity better than stainless steel?

Yes. At normal temperatures copper conducts electricity better than almost any other metal; silver is slightly better.

Is nickel a better electrical conductor than gold?

At room temperature, gold will conduct electricity better than almost any other element other than silver.

Is cloth a good conductor of electricity?

No cloth is not a conductor of electricity .It is an insulainsulator

What metal conducts electricity and heat?

all of them, some better than others. Copper, silver, gold, iron, all can conduct both heat and electricity.