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Q: At what height should a safety harness be worn?
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Related questions

Who should wear a safety harness and why?

Safety harnesses should be worn by anyone who is doing work high above the ground. Safety harnesses generally protect people from falls that could cause potential injury or even death.

What should be worn using power tool?

Safety glasses should be worn

When should safety gogles be worn?


What type of safety equipment should be worn during experiments?

safety goggles

How should safety goggles be worn?

when working on construction or in an experiment

The safety belt should be fastened across the hips?

A safety belt should be worn at all times when you're in a vehicle. It should be worn across the hips, versus abdomen, to prevent stomach injury should you get in an accident.

Should shoes be worn at all times at school for safety?

yes it is to be worn at all times at school.

When conducting experiments in the lab that involve hazardous chemicals what safety equipment should be worn at all times?

Safety goggles

Should a ring be worn on the pinky finger?

why shouldn't a ring be worn on a pinky finger? if you like it do it as long as its not a safety risk at work.

What is a worn out tire?

Worn tires are worn down to 1.6 mm of their remaining tread depth. They could have bulges, bubbles, slits or holes. For safety reasons they should be changed.

What things should be worn at a construction site to insure safety?

To insure safety at a construction site the following need to be worn, a hard hat is a must, boots that have a steel toe must also be worn. The other piece of clothing that might be required is a reflective jacket.

If you're studying elastic energy by stretching rubber bands and then releasing them what safety equipment should be worn?

Goggles and gloves.