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Brahmans or the priests are the highest level of the Indian Caste System. Harijan or untouchables are the lowest level.

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Q: Brahmans were the lowest level of the Indian caste system?
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Is brahmans the lowest ranking social group in Hindu caste system?

No, those would be the Untouchables

What is the highest and the lowest castes of India?

In India the highest caste system and lowest caste systems are: Brahmans: priests and teachers {being the highest caste} Untouchables: the jobs no one else want to do {being the lowest}

What are the levels of the indian caste system?

the indian caste system has 4 levels. The Brahmans (priests), the Kshatriya (warriors and landowners), the Vaishya (merchants and artists), and the Shudra (farmers). The untouchables are a group outside of the caste system, but are still considered part of it. They do all of the unwanted jobs.

The priestly class of Indian society was?

The Indian caste system was divided into five different classes (varnas): Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras and Dalits (the "Untouchables", who were excluded from the caste system all together) The Brahmins were the priestly class that focused primarily on reading the religious scriptures (Vedas). Today the caste system is illegal in India, but those born into the Brahmin caste are still venerated and given privileges.

What are the Brahman's jobs?

to worship and do sacrifices for the gods. also they were to teach the Vedas. The priests and scholars in the Indian Caste System. They are the highest class in the Caste System above the kshatriyas, vaisyas, and the sudras. most brahmans are also vegetarian and do not eat any meat.

Which of the following is the highest caste in the Hindu caste system?

Brahmin the 3rd

How did brahmanism organized ancient Indian society?

Brahmans taught that a well-organized society was divided into 4 different classes called the Caste System

What was the order of the caste system in Hinduism culture?

the proper order of the cast system is brahmans kshatrians,and lastly untouchables

How many classes does the caste system?

There are 4 castes in hindus.These are brahmans , kshatriyas , vaishyas and shudras.

What are the different ranks of the caste system?

Its the Brahmans are priests , Kshatriyas are Soldiers, Vaishyas are merchents and the Harijahns are Untouchables

Were the shudras the lowest caste in indies caste system?

No the untouchables are

What is the definition of the term pariah?

The term pariah refers to a social outcast. This is an Indian term that was used in their caste system for people in the lowest social class. This caste was originally used for ceremonial drummers but later referred to the lowest caste also known as the "Untouchables".