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This implies that honor is more important to Brutus than life itself. This is a very strong claim, but seems to be supported throughout the text. In all of his actions, it is possible to see how his commitment to honor has guided him and influenced his thinking.

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Q: Brutus says For let the gods so speed you as you love The name of honor more than you fear death What do these lines imply about Brutuss most important value in life?
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Brutus affirms that he would rather that Caesar not assume the position. Brutus adds that he loves Caesar but that he also loves honor, and that he loves honor even more than he fears death. He says he will consider Cassius's words.

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Cassius feels that Brutus has insulted him, during the argument they have after the death of Caesar. Brutus calls him greedy and believes Cassius's intention of kill Caesar was not for honor, but for money.

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This is Straight from the book , " For let the gods so speed me as I love The name of honor more than I fear death. "

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That Brutus "is a honourable man".

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that woulod be Marcus Brutusor Brutus "for he was valiant i honor him, he was ambitious so i slew him"

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Cassius was mad. It is an insult to Cassius for Brutus to condemn Lucius Pella. Cassius had vouched for Pella in letters to Brutus, which Brutus ignored. So in a way Brutus is devaluing Cassius word or honor. Honor was pretty huge for men in Rome.

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Antony and Octavius honor Brutus by giving him the full honorable burial ceremony as needed for a noble Roman senator.

What are the Character sketches of brutus in Julius Caesar drama?

Brutus is a noble Roman senator who is conflicted between his loyalty to Rome and his friendship with Julius Caesar. He is idealistic, honorable, and believes in doing what is best for the Roman Republic. However, his decision to join the conspiracy to assassinate Caesar leads to his downfall as he underestimates the consequences of his actions. Ultimately, Brutus is a tragic figure who is torn between his principles and the political turmoil of his time.

Who convinces Brutus to join plot?

Cassius convinces Brutus to join the plot to assassinate Julius Caesar by appealing to Brutus's sense of honor and patriotism and by highlighting Caesar's growing power and ambition. Cassius also plays on Brutus's fear that Caesar's power will diminish the Roman Republic.

What links samurais to death?

Death before Honor. Translation: Death before losing their honor.

Why is brutus's death so tragic?

it is tragic because he would rather die than lose honor. he was going to die to an unlawful soldier, he would rather commit suicide. cassius was already dead and Brutus was going to die soon anyway, he couldn't let anyone else kill him