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A parent cannot just 'sign away' their parental rights (which is a different thing than custodial/visitation rights). Termination of parental rights has to be approved by a judge. Generally speaking, judges are very reluctant to approve it unless it's for the purpose of adoption or the parent presents a clear danger to the child. They certainly will not approve it merely so the parent can avoid paying child support. If that were allowed, people would be lined up to do it, and then a big portion of those children would end up having to be supported by the taxpayers.

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13y ago

Actually, that person is wrong. If you sign over your parental rights, you are giving up any and all reposibilities for this child to their mother. It is that same as if you were going to give the child up for adoption, you wouldn't pay the adoptive parents for taking it would you? No. You basically are adopting the child onto the mother and so you have no more rights to say how the child is raised and whatnot, and would no longer have to pay child support seeing how legally, the child is no longer yours at all. All physical and financial reposibilities would be gone. But the mother does have to agree to this and also sign the paperwork saying she wants this, and also, if you have any back child support you have not paid you will still have to pay it unless the mother signs the paperwork saying she will "forgive" that and doesn't care to get it.

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13y ago

Generally no. see links

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Q: Can a father sign away his parental rightsin CT and not have to pay child support?
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Is a father's rights terminated if he pays child support?

Paying child support will not cause the father to lose his parental rights - neither will not paying child support.

Can a father terminate parental rights of an unborn child in Texas can i still file for child support?

Termination of parental rights does not terminate one's child support obligation.

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Relinquishing one's parental rights does not terminate one's child support obligation.

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Termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

In Minnesota if you sign over your parental rights to a child do you still have to pay child support?

Parental rights and child support are two different issues. Signing over your parental rights has no effect on your payment obligation unless the ending of the payment obligation is mentioned on the document.

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If the father Legally gave up his parental rights - (signed legal papers), then he is no longer legally responsible to pay child support for the child. Did he give up parental rights so you could remove the child from the country? A family member of mine had to have her baby's father sign away his parental rights so he would not have to pay child support when he entered the military. So - once parental rights are signed away Legally, the father has NO obligation to pay child support. You cannot have it both ways - you cannot have him sign away his parental rights, yet still expect him to pay child support.

In Montana if a father terminates parental rights does he still pay child support?

It's likely that the father will still owe support until/unless the child is adopted. see links

If a father does not pay child support for two years can he loose his parental rights?

I think he should

If mother takes child out of Florida does father have to pay child support?

He has to pay regardless of where the nother takes the child as a result of parental kidnapping.

Does relinquishing parental rights stop child support in Alabama?

If you relinquish your parental rights, you are still not going to get child support payments. The child support is for the child.

Can a father sign over parental rights to an unborn child in Alabama?

That is a decision made by the court. A court can grant a partial or complete Termination of Parental Rights if the judge feels it is warranted for reasons other than said parent is relieved of his or her financial obligation to their minor child/children. Generally voluntary TPR's (those requested by a parent) are only granted when a child is being legally adopted.

Can the mother who has full custody of a child still receive child support from the father who has not seen the child in 3 years after the father s parental rights are revoked?

Yes, the revocation of parental rights does not exclude the parent from being financially responsible until the child or children reach the age of emancipation, or the age ordered in the child support petition.