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There have been a rare few fertile mules, but they are the exception not the rule.

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Q: Can a mule produce young
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Related questions

What do you call the young of a moose and a mule?

a young moose is a calf, a young mule is a foal

What kind of breeding technique is used to produce a mule?

A mule is the result of the cross between a mare and a jack.

Why mule does not posses the ability to produce offspring?

a mule (the off-spring of a burro and a horse) is born sterile

What is the term for 'specie'?

'species' is an organism that can produce fertile offspring through reproduction (with the same species) Do not confuse mule as a species because it can produce fertile offsping when bred with a horse, a mule would ahve to produce fertile offspring when mating with another mule inorder to be classed as a species.

Why geld a mule?

Because mules still produce testosterone making them aggressive

Did Colonel Charles Young ride a horse or a mule?


Why does a cross between a horse and a donkey produce a mule?

DNA cross my friend.D-N-A

What is the baby of a female horse and a male donkey?

This 'mixed marriage' will produce a hinny.

What is a fruit Hibrid?

I'm not sure what a fruit hybrid is but a hybrid is something that is an offspring of two different animals ,normally. This offspring cannot produce young as it has an odd number of chromosomes. Such as a mule a cross between a horse and a donkey.x

Is a mule a consumer?

Yes,everything that has to eat something to get its energy. (producers produce their own food)

Do lizards produce milk for its young?

No, only mammals produce milk for its young.

What do you get when you breed a mammoth mule to a horse?

Nothing. Majority of mules are sterile thus unable to produce offspring.