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Q: Can closed captioning please be reinstated on NBC channel 8 program Days of Our Lives?
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What does closed captioning mean?

Closed captioning is the system where text or subtitles are displayed under the current running program on television. The system is used to aid hearing impaired viewers to enjoy the programs.

How can you find more information about Closed Captioning Services?

You can find information about closed captioning services from television providers such as ABC, Comcast or CBS. Closed captioning services may also be provided by telecoms companies such as Foxtel or Virgin.

If a black box is blocking the picture on your television closed captioning may be enabled?

If a black box is blocking the picture on your television, closed captioning may be enabled

How does closed captioning work?

Closed captioning is a digital signal included with the main TV signal that a closed captioning decoder decodes, turning that into letters and displaying it on your screen. Many TV's have closed captioning decoders built in.If you're ever watching TV and at the top you see some little white lines, some short, some longer, that's actually the closed captioning signal you're seeing on your screen. Most TV's don't display it because of what they call, `overscan` but on some older TV's when the TV ages, it'll become apparent.If I remember correctly, closed captioning is included on line 18 of the video signal.Closed captioning is a text version of a television show that can be read on screen.

What does cc mean at the movie theatres?

Closed captioning

What jobs are currently open for closed captioning?

Some of the jobs that are currently open for closed captioning are Closed Caption Editors and Speech to Text Reporters. There is also job openings in the field of Court Reporters.

What is the french word for closed captioning?

le sous-titrage

When was closed captioning added to broadcast television in the US?

In the earle1980s.

Sony tv kdl-46xbr6 and closed captioning - How do you enable the closed captioning on this model?

Please press CC button on the remote control. U can do the same from Menu button as well.

When was closed captioning first introduced?

Closed captioning was first introduced at the First National Conference on Television for the Hearing Impaired in Nashville, Tennessee in 1971 and was later officially broadcast in 1973.

What is closed captioning service used for?

Closed captioning is a process where text is displayed on the screen during a television programme. Typically the function of this writing is to offer support to those who have a hearing disability.

What companies produce close captioning software?

Closed captioning software include CPC's subtitling services and programs (MacCaption and CaptionMaker), Final Cut Suite and MovCaptioner (by the company SynchriMedia). Closed captioning is a process of displaying text on a computer or television to provide additional information.