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Q: Can minerals be formed by precipitating out of solutions?
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Can metamorphic rocks be formed by solutions of minerals?


What kind of sedimentary rock is made from solutions of dissolve minerals and water?

Some limestones are made by precipitation of dissolved calcium carbonate. Some cherts are formed from dissolved silicates in thermal springs and evaporite minerals, such as gypsum and rock salt (halite) are formed by evaporation of water from solutions of dissolved minerals.

How are chemical rocks form formed?

Chemical sedimentary rock is created by precipitation of minerals out of, or evaporation from, saturated solutions that are high in dissolved minerals. Rock gypsum and rock salt are two examples.

what all the Minerals?

There are thousands. Click on the related link shown below for an alphabetic listing.

How is fluorite formed?

Fluorite is formed as the result of violently rising hydrothermal solutions (water & melted minerals) containing calcium & fluorine. As these solutions erupted towards the surface they formed dikes (pegmatites) & filled fissures & faults (metasomatic & igneous rocks) along the way. PICTURES OF FLURITE

What sedimentary rock is made from solution of dissolved minerals and water?

Some limestones are made by precipitation of dissolved calcium carbonate. Some cherts are formed from dissolved silicates in thermal springs and evaporite minerals, such as gypsum and rock salt (halite) are formed by evaporation of water from solutions of dissolved minerals.

How are petrified or perminilized fossil formed?

Permineralized fossils form when solutions rich in minerals permeate porous tissue, such as bone or wood. Minerals precipitate out of solution and fill the pores and empty spaces.

What is formed first rocks or minerals?

Minerals are formed first then rocks

A lode is a layer of minerals that has been deposited in a stream bed True or False?

This is false. A lode is not a layer of minerals that has been deposited in a stream. A lode is formed by hot mineral solutions going into the cracks of the rocks.

What happens during precipitating?

The liquified water vapor falls onto the Earth

Is a mineral how is a mineral formed?

A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic solid with a crystalline structure and a definite chemical formula. Most minerals are formed from the cooling or evaporation of solutions containing the elements necessary for mineral formation.

What happen to rock when metamorphism takes place?

It is altered physically by pressure and heat and can align the existing minerals into layers or bands called foliations; new minerals may be formed from the minerals that existed before the metamorphism; aqueous solutions between rock particles are squeezed out; and existing minerals may recrystallize.