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Some people can and some can't

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Q: Can people read or write in Africa?
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Related questions

Why is the number of people who can read or write in Africa so low?

because the funding for education is so low

What fraction of the North African population can read and write?

2/3rds of north Africa can read and write

What fraction of Africa can read and write?

One third

How many south African adults can read and write?

According to UNICEF, approximately 88% of adults in South Africa are literate, while 96% of all youth (15-24) are literate. 86.5% of the entire population is literate, and with a population of 48,687,000 around 42,114,255 people in South Africa are literate.

What is the literacy rate in Africa?

As of 2008, the literacy rate was 63%. One in three adults in Africa cannot read or write. 176 million adults cannot read or write.

How do you write a book people will read?

You don't try to write what you think people want -- you write what you want to, and people who are like you will read it!

What is the term for the inability to read or write?

people who cannot read or write starts begging.

About how much people can read books and write stories in Iran?

ther is about 23 people can read and write

Who can not read and write in english?

There are millions of people on the planet who cannot read or write English !

How many people in Egypt can read and write?

71.4% of Egypt can read and write

What percentage of the population can read and write in china?

what is the percentage of people that read and write in china

How many people can't read or write in India?

75.06% of the people in India can read and write as per 2011.