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A woman's period does not affect her height. Her height is affected by the genetics of her family which will determine how tall she grows.

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11y ago

Not much. It really depends on the person, but usually there is no correlation.

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Q: Can period affect a girls height?
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People say I won't get my period in 4 years because I am to sporty and short is it true?

Being sporty does not affect your period etc, and neither does being short. It is normal to get your first period between ages 9-16, so height does not affect your period, and being sporty does not affect your period.

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I am 13 and 5'4 no period how tall will i be?

Your period has nothing to do with your height, and vice versa. I got my period at 12 and I was 4"11. My best friend got it at twelve too, and she was 5"2. Girls nowadays typically get their period around 12-14, but there are varying factors. As for height, I stopped growing around 8th-9th grade. It really depends on your family.

Why do girls wearing a dipers?

girls were feminine pad when their period starts. girls were feminine pad when their period starts. girls were feminine pad when their period starts.