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The age of emancipation in California is 18 years. Prior to their 18th birthday (unless already declared an 'emancipated minor' by the courts) she is not free to act on her own behalf. FURTHER CAUTION: What is the age of her 'boyfriend?' If he is over 18 and she is under 18 he could be flirting with 'Statutory Rape' and his parents with 'aiding and abetting.' See:

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Q: Can the legal guardian of a seventeen year old get the minors boyfriend and family in trouble if she moves in with them without legal guardian's consent in the state of CA?
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Can one legal guardian switch a child's school without consent of the other legal guardian?

The answer to that would normally be covered in the custody agreement that the guardians signed.

What is the legal dropout age for new york?

The dropout Age for New York, as of 2009, is seventeen with a parent or guardian's consent.

Can your 18 year boyfriend give consent for you to marry him?

Your 18 year old boyfriend pretty much has to consent, or there's no marriage. If you're underage, you must obtain the consent of your parents or legal guardians (or, in some places, a court). No one else can do this, and very specifically your boyfriend cannot.

Can a fourteen-year-old girl in Missouri move in with her seventeen-year-old boyfriend inmissouri with parental consent?

Definitely not.

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If you are sixteen and your boyfriend is seventeen and you are pregnant can you move in with him and his family without your mother's consent?

No, you cannot, and if you do, him/his parents could find themselves facing charges for it.

Im 17 and my boyfriend is 18 which states will let you get married?

Most states will allow you to get married with the proper parental consent. However, I do not know of any state that will allow you to get married at seventeen without parental consent.

Do you have to have both parents' consent for an underage marriage in Pennsylvania and can one parent sign if they don't have custody over that child?

If you are under the age of 18, then the consent of the CUSTODIAL parent or Guardian is necessary. So, if this parent does not have custody, then they cannot sign for you to get married.

Can a seventeen year old get merried at the age of seventeen?

Yes with parental consent.

Can a newspaper name you at seventeen?

Both yes and no If you are charged in a crime or a victim of a crime there are laws to prevent you being identified. If you or a guardian consent to your name being published for good reasons yes they can.

Can you be 16 and have the guys parents sign a consent for getting married in Oklahoma?

In the U.S. a minor may not marry unless the parent or legal guardian has consented. If both parties are under 18 (minors) then both party's parents or legal guardians must consent.

Your boyfriend is seventeen and im nineteen and pregnant with his baby can you get in trouble?

Depending on the legal age of consent in the state in which you live, it is somewhat possible that there could be legal repercussions. However, if one partner is over the age of consent but under 18, there are generally only repercussions if the other partner is over 18 and there is more than a 3 or 4 year difference. Look at your state laws, and discuss the matter with your respective families/guardians.