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Yes you can. Make-up artists today are fantastic and can make the scars disappear before the camera or the runway. If you saw some of the models before they have their makeup put on you wouldn't recognize them. Modeling is about bone structure and 'that certain look' so go for it! If you like you could go to a make-up artist to put your make-up on before going for interviews. Good luck!

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Q: Can you be a model with scars?
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Do women like surgical scars?

Generally no one likes scars, surgical or otherwise.

What are the ratings and certificates for Leaving Scars - 1997?

Leaving Scars - 1997 is rated/received certificates of: USA:R

What are the release dates for Scars of Possession - 1914?

Scars of Possession - 1914 was released on: USA: 27 November 1914

What are the ratings and certificates for Summer Scars - 2007?

Summer Scars - 2007 is rated/received certificates of: Germany:16 UK:15

How can you get rid of scars on your lips?

To get rid of scars on the lips, some people recommend Vitamin E oil. Other solutions are laser treatments and dermabrasion.

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How do you get rid of branding scars?

sorry, you cant thats why their called SCARS sorry, you cant thats why their called SCARS sorry, you cant thats why their called SCARS

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Most scars from acne are atrophic. Ice-pick, rolling, and box-car scars are the three primary categories into which atrophic scars can be divided. The most prevalent kind of atrophic acne scars (60–70%) are known as "ice-pick scars."

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Scars of Tomorrow ended in 2007.

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Scars of Love was created in 1918.

When was Scars of Tomorrow created?

Scars of Tomorrow was created in 2000.

When was Soul Scars created?

Soul Scars was created in 1995.

When was Scars on Broadway created?

Scars on Broadway was created in 2003.