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No. Ideas/concepts do not qualify for copyright protection only the physical expression of those ideas are covered.

This is from the US Copyright Office FAQ (see link below)

"Copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, systems, or methods of doing something. You may express your ideas in writing or drawings and claim copyright in your description, but be aware that copyright will not protect the idea itself as revealed in your written or artistic work" Yes, They have A name for it, I can't think of the name, But it has to do with, 'You thought it up, so you own it' Not those words, just that sentiment.

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Q: Can you copyright tv ideas
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No, copyright does not protect names nor ideas.

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Ideas cannot be protected by copyright, only the expression of the ideas.

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Copyright does not protect ideas, only the expression of those ideas.

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No; copyright protects specific expressions of ideas, not the ideas themselves.

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Ideas cannot be protected by copyright; only the expression of the ideas.

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Ideas cannot be protected by copyright, only the original expression of those ideas, fixed in a tangible form, can be.

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Ideas are not subject to copyright protection; only the expression of the ideas.

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No, copyright only protects the creative and original EXPRESSION, not the underlying ideas.

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Copyright law cannot protect ideas, only the expressionof them in writing, sound, art, etc.