

Best Answer

Yes. But you are going to have to have the right people and the right items to successfully accomplish.

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Q: Can you import scrap metal to UK from Africa?
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The UK did not import any countries.

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Can you import tire scrap to India?

The export of scrap tyres from the UK to India is controlled by the Green List Controls and must be accompanied by an annex VII transfer document. There are also conditions regarding contracts and permit requirements. The Indian Government however doesn't allow the import of whole tyres and they must be cut through the bead wire (see Para 27 of the Handbook of Procedure on Import and Export) and rubber tubes must be cut in two. J7 Global Ltd. UK - baled tyre supplies to PAS 108.

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The UK does not import coffee berries, it imports coffee beans, and it does this from all over the world.

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What do they import in the UK?

The UK imports a lot of manufactured goods. Some of the items that they import are computers, electronics, transportation equipment, and apparel.

What is the price of scrap aluminum in the UK?

Current prices of aluminum scrap in the UK are around $455 per MT. This price will vary depending on the grade of aluminum scrap you have as well as the price does vary on a daily basis with commodity pricing.

What does the UK import from Canada?

Maple syrup.

Where does the UK export and import to and from?

Everywhere in the world.

What goods does the UK import?

Virtually everything.

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What is South Africa's 5 biggest imports?

In relation to countries for 2008, South Africa's 5 main import partners are 1) Germany, 2) China 3) U.S. 4) Japan and 5) UK. These are in descending order.