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No. Even a brown dwarf, one that we would call "cool" for a star, still has surface temperatures far above the vaporization temperature of all matter. And even if you had perfectly insulating shoes, the gravity on the surface of even a small star would crush any material object instantly.

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Q: Can you live on a brown dwarf star?
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What is a brown dwarf?

A brown dwarf is a celestial object that has a size that is between a star and a giant planet.

Is a brown dwarf star on its way to becoming a black dwarf?

No. A brown dwarf is a star that has too low a mass to start nuclear fusion. A black dwarf is a former white dwarf, the remnant of a low to medium mass star that ran out of fuel in its core.

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The death star is known as the nemesis star AKA the death star, brown dwarf star, red dwarf star, or the sun's twin.

What is a small brown star called?

That's called a brown dwarf.

Can a star be a brown dwarf?

Yes, a brown dwarf is a star that failed to ignite hydrogen fusion because it did not have enough mass for a strong enough gravitational collapse. Brown dwarf stars glow dimly with residual heat for a very short time.

What do you call a dying star that gives no light?

A brown dwarf star or a black hole

What is a small star that only gives of faint light and are cool?

That can either be an old white dwarf, a red dwarf. or a brown dwarf.

Is a brown dwarf bigger than the sun?

No Brown Dwarfs are too small to be considerred a star.

Why doesnt a Brown Dwarf become a real star?

A brown dwarf is not massive enough to create the heat and pressure at its core needed for nuclear fusion.

What star is smaller than the sun?

A brown dwarf would qualify.

A brown dwarf is what's left when a large star explodes true or false?

False. A brown dwarf is a failed star that cannot sustain nuclear fusion. When a star explodes it will leav behind either a neutron star or a black hole depending on its mass.

What is the difference between a brown dwarf and a protostar?

A protostar is a star the is developing as is on the way to starting nuclear fusion. A brown dwarf is a failed star, one that failed to gather enough mass to start fusion.