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Q: Can you use fake bakugan gate cards in a game?
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What type of cards are in the game Bakugan?

In Bakugan there are Gate cards and lots of ability cards like character cards and other ability cards. So those are what kind of cards are in Bakugan.

What is baukgan?

bakugan is a game which you need 3 bakugan,3 gate cards 1 of each color and 3 ability cards 1 of each color too.

Do you have to play bakugan with only 3 gate cards?

No, but 3 is the official number. You can scale up the number of pieces, so long as you also scale up how many gate cards you have to have to win the game. Personally, I've played a game with 12 bakugan, 12 gate cards, 12 abilities and 4 traps.

How many bakugans are there in a Bakugan tinbox?

three bakugan But if you play NEW VESTROIA RULES ther is a thing called THE BIG GAME. you can have 6 bakugan, 6 ability cards, and 6 gate cards! Bakugan master

How many Bakugan cards are in the box if you buy Bakugan battle pack 6?

12 total. 6 gate cards and 6 ability cards. By bakugan master, jezza

What are the instructions for Bakugan Brawl?

You either have to buy a starter kit or battle kit or you can go to the official website and look up instructions and it will give you step by step instructions on how to play about the cards and everything else you need to know about the game. ___ The website has demos and you can download the official rulebook as well.

Is there a Bakugan ability card d strike?

there is but we cannot print it we might find it in gate cards or series 1 pack of bakugan cards

Do you have to activate gate cards in Bakugan?

No ~perhaps there may be a choice for you

Where do you put bakugan character cards in a battle?

ability:just activate gate:same as regular gate cards

What are the ability cards in Bakugan?

cards that raises the gs of your bakugan Silersun4: That is really not true. Bakugan Ability cards are able to affect g's of either bakugan, but also can affect how you roll, the gate cards, other ability cards, bakugan in you and your oponants used and unused pile, and also some can take out other bakugan instantly I think, my friend does that to me. well actually cards like that usually take all bakugan on the field like clean slate ability card

When you play a bakugan trap on gate card can you still use ability cards?


What is hsp in Bakugan?

In the show, when you defeated a bakugan you gained hsp which counts outside of battle and does nothing in it. The more hsp you have the higher your world rating is. In the actual board game, they got rid of hsp a while ago but every bakugan was worth a hundred or so and gate cards were worth a specific ammount. In that version of the game, you recieved both the hsp from the bakugan and hsp from the card. You then added up the total at the end of the game to find out who wins. Although its been so long I don't remember how you know when the game is over.