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I would think you could anyway. A person and I went to a movie that was rated PG-13, the person was younger than 13, but I wasn't. But they let us into the theaters, anyway. So, sure, I would say yes, but maybe you do! Sorry I couldn't do better, I can just give you my thought and opinion But you could research it, if you wanted to know exactly:) Hope I helped!

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Q: Can you watch a PG-13 movie as long as you have an 18 year old?
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Can a 13 year old watch a PG13 movies?


Can a 10 year old watch a move rade pg13?

yes a ten year old can watch it only with an adult.

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New moon is originally PG13 but i took my nine year old daughter to the movie and she wasn't scared. I think they went a little drastic when it came to New Moon's rating.

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not that i know of.... why is there pg13... if a 13 year old can't watch it, why should anyone

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I dont think your child should watch pg13 but he or he could watch or play pg look for reasons why the game is rated pg13 then decide from there depending on the childs level of maturity and he or shes inviorment.

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A twelve year old can watch a movie made for those 15 years and older if they are with an adult. A person should also check with the particular cinema for their specific rules and regulations.

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Who knows? Watch it next year and you'll find out for sure.

Should a 13 year old play pg games?

pg games? PG is a movie rating. pg13 but if that's different in your country or something then go for it.

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As long as a parent approves and watches with the young adult.

Can a ten year old w atch pg 13?

It depends on the movie. Some horror movies are really scary but only rated pg13 and some horror movies that aren't really scary are rated R. And if it is a movie that's not horror, then you probably can watch it. Make sure to ask your parent(s) of you think it will be too scary or inappropriate. I hope this helps (:

A 9 year old is allowed to watch Clash of the Titans?

I saw it when I was nine and I was fine. It is a really cool movie and I think it is totally appropriate

When is Harry Potter 7 going to be a movie?

'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' - Part 1 is rated PG13 which opens 19th November 2010 .About in the fall, or else it should be next year.