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Note: the episode that Sakura captures the flower card isn't dubbed... but it is English subbed. (Ep. 10)

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Q: Cardcaptors what episode does sakura capture the flower card?
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Who Does sakura end up with in cardcaptors?

Sakura ends up with Shaoran. She realizes that she loves him after his confession. In the second movie of cardcaptors showed the full romanatic episode.

Where can you buy really good English cardcaptors dvds?

Ebay....just make sure that it's Cardcaptors, not Cardcaptor Sakura Ebay....just make sure that it's Cardcaptors, not Cardcaptor Sakura

Is there another version of Cardcaptors?

Cardcaptor Sakura is the original Japanese version. The English dub Cardcaptors changed it a lot.

Where did the Cardcaptors originate from?

Cardcaptors is a television series that began in 2000. Cardcaptors originates from the Japanese anime Card Captor Sakura. One can find further information about the series from the IMDB.

What episode does sakura cardcaptor capture the sword card?

Episode 9 Season 1 (in both versions)

Is Cardcaptors any different from Cardcaptor Sakura?

No, the only difference is Cardcaptors is the English dubbed version. (People in the anime speak English.) Cardcaptor Sakura is the Japanese version, but can also be English subbed (English subtitles.)

What is the difference between Tsubasa and Cardcaptors Sakura?

Basically Cardcaptor Sakura is one of the characters in Tsubasa. The story is different but Sakura is still the main character in the 2.

Is the Sakura in Tsubasa the same Sakura in Cardcaptors?

Actually, they are technically the same. CLAMP has something called the "CLAMP Universe", and often times they recycle their characters. The Sakura and Syaoran in Tsubasa have the same hearts (or souls) as those in Cardcaptors, but live in a different dimension. So, confusing as it is, they are the same, but not the same.

What episode was it when Eriol and Syaoran competed in Cardcaptor Sakura?

Eriol and Syaoran competed in Cardcaptor Sakura during the "Nakuru's Fatal Trap" episode (Episode 69) where they competed in a game of wits to capture a Clow Card.

Why do they take the romance out of cardcaptor sakura?

you mean cardcaptors? well, i guess that they were trying to make it more kid-friendly......?

What episode does sakura learn to be a medical ninja?

Sakura was in a nurse uniform in episode 213 (filler).

History of sakura a national flower of japan?

History of sakura a national flower of japan?