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Benjamin Guggenheim indeed dressed in his best. When Titanic sunk, his message was delivered to his wife in New York City that he was prepared to go down like a gentleman.

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Q: Changed their clothes on the titanic so they could die as a gentleman?
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How could the people in the Titanic responded better?

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He wore what would have been considered ordinary clothes for a gentleman of substantial means of the times. There was no particular way of dressing for scientists. For paintings of him you could search

What did men wear on the titanic?

it depends on the class, 1st and 2nd class dressed in what ever was fancy at the time, and 3rd class dressed in what ever clothes they could afford

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As titanic means enormous, you could say... 'The fearsome dinosaur was titanic and scary.'

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The Titanic was a ship, not a living entity. Hence it could not die.

How many people could be on the TiTaNiC?

Titanic had a capacity of 3,327, including the crew.

Could passengers on the titanic get on or off?

yes, they could

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Who could travel on the Titanic?

Titanic was traveled on by many people of all three economic classes.

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He was the perfect gentleman but his nephew could not see it who is he?

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