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do you think crying helped the boys or made them weaker? Why??

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Q: Crying helped the boys or made them weaker from outsider?
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Piggy leaves the group of boys crying in "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding after being killed by Roger with a boulder.

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The boys attack Robert because they are scared of the unknown and see him as a threat or outsider. This signifies that the boys are giving in to their primitive instincts and are becoming increasingly violent and unpredictable as they struggle to survive on the island.

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Lewis and Clark were helped by a team of skilled explorers, including Sacagawea, a Shoshone woman who played a crucial role as an interpreter and guide, along with members of various Native American tribes they encountered along their journey. Additionally, they were supported by the Corps of Discovery, a group of soldiers and craftsmen who assisted in navigating and documenting their expedition.

Who is the little boy who keeps crying on Lord of the Flies?

The little boy who keeps crying in "Lord of the Flies" is known as the "littlun" who is often overlooked and ignored by the older boys on the island. His constant crying can be seen as a manifestation of the fear and helplessness experienced by the boys in their hostile environment.

When was 'The Crying Boys' by J Bragolin painted?

The Crying Boy is a mass-produced print of a painting by Italian painter Bruno Amadio, also known as Giovanni Bragolin. It was widely distributed from the 1950s on. There are numerous alternate versions, all portraits of tearful young boys or girls.