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Q: Daughter of Oceanus mother of Prometheus and wife of lapetus was who?
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Who were Asia and Calypso in Greek mythology?

Calypso is the daughter of the Titan, Atlas: mother of Nausithoos and Nausinoos or Telegonos and Teledamos, or of Latinos. Asia is the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, mother by Prometheus of Hellen and Deucalion. She is also called Pronoia and Hesione. Clymene, mother of Prometheus, is also called Asia - and another daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.

Who are Prometheus relatives?

Prometheus is the brother of Menoetius, Atlas, and Epimetheus. His father was Lapetus the Titan and his mother was Clymene, an elemental Oceanid.

Was Tethys the mother of Metis?

Yes; Metis was the daughter of Tethys and Oceanus.

Who was the brother of Prometheus?

The Titan Iapetus (gr.ΙΑΠΕΤΟΣ, Ιαπετος). His mother was Klymene (gr.ΚΛΥΜΕΝΗ, Κλυμενη).

Who is Hermes grandmother?

The mother of Zeus was Rhea, making her the grandmother of Hermes on his fathers side.The mother of Maia was Pleione a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.

Where were Athenas mom born?

It is not known where Athena's mother Metis was born, Metis being a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.

Does Calypso have a cousin or ANY male relative?

Calypso as daughter of Atlas would have for uncles the brothers of Atlas: Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoitios. Her brother would be Hyas or Hyes, although the mother of Calypso is unknown, and the mother of Hyes is Pleione or Aethra, daughter of Oceanus. By the hero Odysseus, Calypso had sons : Latinus (meaning, the Latin) or a son named Telegonos or Teledamos (who is otherwise a son of Circe and Odysseus), or two sons named Nausithoos and Nausinoos.

Daughter of oceanus and tethys who was the mother?

Tethys was the mother of the Oceanides, who were three thousand goddess nymphs.Numbered among them are the Nephelae, the cloud or rain nymphs.Oceanus was their father.

Daughter of oceanus and a wife of Zeus who am i?

Zeus had many children by the daughters of Oceanus, among them: Asterope, whose son was Akragas. Dione, who had Aphrodite and Dionysus. Eurynome, mother of the Kharites and Asopos. Metis, mother of Athena by Zeus. Styx, the Underworld river goddess is at times told to be Persephone's mother by Zeus.

What are facts on Amphitrite?

Daughter of Doris and Nereus, or Oceanus and Tethys. Wife of Poseidon, Queen of the Sea. Mother of: Triton Rhode Cymopoleia Benthesikymê

Who was the mother of oceanus and tethys?


Who is oceanus father and mother?

Gaea and Ouranos.