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No, Jack Nicholson is not really the most Oscar nominated actor. He has been nominated twelve (12) times. Meryl Streep is the most Oscar nominated actor. She has been nominated sixteen (16) times, but Jack Nicholson is the most nominated male actor. Here is a list of his nominations (an asterick indicates a win).

  1. 1969 (42nd) ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE -- Easy Rider {"George Hanson"}
  2. 1970 (43rd) ACTOR -- Five Easy Pieces {"Robert Eroica Dupea"}
  3. 1973 (46th) ACTOR -- The Last Detail {"Signalman First Class Buddusky"}
  4. 1974 (47th) ACTOR -- Chinatown {"J. J. Gittes"}
  5. 1975 (48th) * ACTOR -- One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest {"Randle Patrick Murphy"} [statuette]
  6. 1981 (54th) ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE -- Reds {"Eugene O'Neill"}
  7. 1983 (56th) * ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE -- Terms of Endearment {"Garrett Breedlove"} [statuette]
  8. 1985 (58th) ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE -- Prizzi's Honor {"Charley Partanna"}
  9. 1987 (60th) ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE -- Ironweed {"Francis Phelan"}
  10. 1992 (65th) ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE -- A Few Good Men {"Col. Nathan R. Jessep"}
  11. 1997 (70th) * ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE -- As Good as It Gets {"Melvin Udall"} [statuette]
  12. 2002 (75th) ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE -- About Schmidt {"Warren Schmidt"}
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Q: Did Jack Nicholson receive more Oscar nominations than any other actor?
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Who is the most Oscar-nominated actor?

Male: Jack Nicholson, with 12 nominations. He won twice for Best Actor and once for Best Supporting Actor. Female: Meryl Streep, with 19 nominations. She won twice for Best Actress and once for Best Supporting Actress.

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Three actors have accomplished the feat: Sir Laurence Olivier, George Clooney and Sir Kenneth Branagh.

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One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest

Did Jack Nicholson get an Oscar nomination for Easy Rider?

Yes. Nicholson's brief but memorable turn as doomed attorney George Hanson earned him a 1969 nomination for Best Supporting Actor. It was the first of his 12 Oscar nods, the most ever received by an actor.

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