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Some historians might say that it came with the crowning of Napoleon as Emperor of France in 1804. Others might say that it ended in 1795 with the end of the Reign of Terror and the beginning of the Directorate and the Thermidorian Reaction. The legal government was overthrown by a military coup in 1799. The French Consulate replaced the Directory.

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Yes, he even made an effort to flee the country when he found that he had no control over the Government, the Citizens or the Army. That act resulted in his arrest and the charge of treason which ended with his trip to the guillotine.

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He ended it by coming to power in 1799 and overthrowing the Directory (which was the revolutionary government at the time). He installed his own government.

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No, he had no leadership role in the French Revolution.

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When the coup of the French Consulate took place and made Napoleon the First Consul.

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Betray. The French Revolution was to get rid of autocratic rule and have a democracy. Napoleon becoming a dictator definitely went against democracy.

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Napoleon was a general but then became the empire in 1801.

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Q: Did Louis XVI try to end the French Revolution?
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What happend to Louis XVI and his family at the end of the French Revolution?

Louis XVI was executed and his family died or were executed

Did the French have a king?

The French used to have kings, until the French revolution. The King Louis XVI (the 16th) was executed in 1793 during the revolution. At the end of the Napoleonic period (1815), monarchy was reinstated but the French ousted their last king in 1848. There hasn't be a king in France since then.

How did the french citizents who witnessed Louis XVI execution react?

It was not a well accepted outcome and many resolved to end the French Revolution and to restore the Monarchy to its rightful seat of power.

Did the french revolution end the monachy?

It ended the reign of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, leaving France without a monarch for a time, but it was reinitialized when Napoleon Bonaparte declared himself king.

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because he released an account about how he didnt think what louis xvi was doing was right

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the event that brought an end to louis xvi was the tennis court oath

What were the causes of the French revoultion?

the causes of the french revolution were peasents starving France in heavy debt with the queen Mary spending money while peasents starved to death producing national convention in end to execute both Louis xvi and his wife

What was the official reasons for Louis IVX's Execution?

Louis XVI was executed by guillotine in 1793 during the French Revolution for treason against the state. He was accused of conspiring with foreign powers and counter-revolutionary factions to overthrow the French Republic and restore the monarchy. His execution marked the end of the Bourbon monarchy in France.

What happened to the king and queen after the national convention took control?

The National Convention was during the French Revolution it became the executive power of government by the end of the revolution. The King Louis XVI was then suspended after the National Convention to control. The King and the Queen were exiled and never brought back into power.

Who was ruling over the french during french revolution?

King Louis XVI started the French Revolution. Then Maximillion Robespierre led the Reign of Terror by bringing in the Guillotine, towards the end of the Revolution.It was considered to be in the realm of a popular uprising in search of leadership. There were plenty of volunteers for the role and it took some time to sort out the survivors.

What were the results of the French Revolution?

The end of aristocracy and the beginning of the French republic. Decreased power of the church. It ended the absolute Monarchy in France. The Regicide of King Louis XVI. The rise of Napoleon Bonaparte. War between France and Prussia