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Q: Did Prince Henry the navigator have any other career?
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What language did Henry the navigator speak?

Prince Henry the Navigator spoke the Portuguese language. It is not known if he spoke any other languages. He was a key figure in the Age of Discoveries.

Where did Henry the Navigator organization he worked for?

Henry the Navigator is just his nickname. He is also and more likely known as prince Henry. He started his own navigational school. IN other words, your question makes no sense.

What was Prince Henry the navigator occupation?

Prince Henry, the Navigator built a school of navigation for sailors. The school taught all types of sailing related pursuits such as cartography, and use of the sextant as well as other equipment. Prince Henry hoped the knowledge would allow them to eventually reach the far east.

Which religon did Prince Henry the navigator hope to spread?

He did succeed in spreading Roman Catholicism to many other countries.

Which country did Prince Henry represent?

Prince Henry represented the country of Portugal. He deemed the name Navigator of Portugal because he sent sailing expeditions to Africa, Madeira Islands and other lands.

Who sponsored the first voyage of Henry the navigator?

No one- Henry didn't go on any voyages. He was a rich portuguese prince who sponsored other people's voyages and built a school of navigation & an observatory.

Where did Henry the Navigator travel?

Henry the Navigator didn't travel anywhere. He trained other sailors to travel and map places for him.

Why did the Chinese stop their voyages of exploration?

Zhung He belived that China did'nt need to have contact with other counties,A NEW RULER STOPED ALL CHINESE EXPLORATIONS.

Who was price Henry the navigator and how did he help the Portuguese?

Prince Henry the Navigator was responsible for the early development of Portuguese exploration and trade with other continents through exploring parts of AfricaHe was called the navigator because he promoted and supported European travel during the age of exploration. He also made maps.His trips helped the Portuguese make much-needed maps of parts of Africa, and they were able to said places they weren't at first able to :)

What was Henry the Navigator's actual last name?

Alfred King..... In other words YOUR MOM!

What was Henry the Navigator's actual last-name?

Alfred King..... In other words YOUR MOM!

What did Henry the navigator do to other countrys?

Henry the navigator explored the gold coast and sent john Cabot to explore the new England coast he also started the discovery of navigational instruments like the compass and the astrolabe