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Yes, there is evidence that some natives lived in caves.

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Q: Did the Cherokee tribe live in caves?
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How did the Cherokee tribe live?

claen and healty

Did the Cherokee tribe live by lakes?

no they lived by their means.

What type of home did the olmec Indian tribe live in?

caves or tents

What was the first Cherokee Indian tribe?

We learned about these people in 3rd grade. They are a tribe of course, they used to live in Colorado.

Does the Cherokee live near any other tribes?

The Cherokee was a nation or tribe itself

Did the Hopi tribe live in the Eastern Woodlands?

No, the Cherokee Indians did

Who did Cherokee people live with?

they lived with there family and some other families in the same tribe.

Do the Cherokee tribe live in the Yuchi region of America?

There were wars between the Yuchi and Cherokee tribes, the Yuchi were moved with the Cherokee to Oklahoma and there is a great possibility that some Cherokee still live on the Yuchi lands, although there is nothing officially documented.

What are facts are about the Cherokee?

The Cherokee Indian tribe use to live in Georgia,Kentucky, Tennessee Virginia, and the Carolinas.The Cherokee Indians were forced to move to Oklahoma in the 1800's.

What tribe was Sequoyah in?

the Cherokee tribe

What kind of houses do the Ute tribe of Utah live in?

Wiki-Ups in the Summer. Caves in the Winter

Which southeastern tribe resisted relocation?

The Cherokee did.