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Only the wealthy ones. The common citizens (the poor ones) used flour to whiten their hair as was the custom back then.

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Q: Did woman wear wigs on there heads during the french revolution?
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Who is the woman beheaded in France during the revolution?

One of the many woman beheaded in the French Revolution was Marie Antoinette.

What was the name of the woman that sat knitting by the guillotine during the french revolution?

Her name is Madame Defarge .

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The period called "the reign of terror". During this period, thousands of people (man, woman and children) were murdered.

What was the radical phase of the French Revolution?

The period called "the reign of terror". During this period, thousands of people (man, woman and children) were murdered.

The storming of the Bastille represented to the French people.?

Revolution and independence

How did woman fight for change during the industrial revolution?

woman formed unions in the trades where they dominated.

Describe the symbol winged women of french revolution?

The winged woman in french revolution symbolises 'The personification of law'.the winged woman hols a spectre. the spectre symbolizes the royal powers of the nobality , including those of making laws . the symbol was used for people who were uneducated to make them understand the importence of the french revolution and inspire them to join in the moment taking place.the woman is most probably a representative of the common public.

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What the storming of the Bastille?

French peasants in search of arms and ammunition to defend the Revolution against Royalist counter insurgents.The man and woman on the street becoming involved in the Revolution.

Did some woman cut their hair short in the late 1800's?

Yes. It started during the French Revolution because they would cut the back of women's hair short. One name for it was "coiffure à la Titus."

Did the French women benefit from the French revolution?

ANSWER:Marie Antoinette is one woman who most assuredly did not benefit from the French revolution. Suffragettes have never praised the period any benefits, rights or privileges attained at that time.