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Yes, Cara plays soccer and the sextuplets go to Gymboree It isn't clear if Mady does any organized sports.

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Q: Do Jon and Kate from Jon and Kate plus 8 have their kids do sports?
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Related questions

How many kids are on 'Jon and Kate Plus 8'?

There are eight children in the Gosselin family featured in 'Jon and Kate Plus 8."

Are Kate's kids on Kate plus eight on the show for money?

Yes, they get money for being on the show. The main reason why Jon and Kate originally signed up for "Jon and Kate plus 8" was to document their kids' lives

How much do the kids weigh on Jon and Kate Plus 8?

Kate Gosselin never mentioned how much any of her kids weighed on Jon and Kate Plus 8. The show was cancelled September 12, 2011.

In Jon and Kate Plus 8 is Jon still with gosselins in there new house?

He did sleep in the garage before the divorse.Now,when Jon has the kids,he stays in the house. When Kate has the kids,she stays in the house.When Jon doesn't have the kids...I think he lives with his mom

Are Jon and Kate stopping 'Jon and Kate Plus 8'?

Jon Gosselin stopped filming of the show. TLC always said if any one (1) member of the Gosselin family wanted to stop the show.. they would bring 'Jon & Kate Plus 8' to an end. Kate thought it was best for the kids to continue film , where Jon does not. Jon apparently does not want his kids to be filmed, and has suspended filming of 'Jon & Kate Plus 8'. He has lawyers who are trying to stop the show. Some people believe this is due to TLC's announcement of their intrntion to repackage the show as 'Kate Plus Eight'.

Who sings Jon and Kate Plus 8 together?

Im guessing Jon and Kate both sing it with a little help from the kids but im not positive.

What are chewies on 'Jon and Kate Plus 8'?

The "chewies" referred to on Jon & Kate Plus Eight are made-up names for the kids' little security blankets that they carry around and sleep with for comfort.

Are the gosselins getting devorced?

The Gosselins have come to an agreement to separate. So, yes they are getting divorced. They couple says that they don't want their kids to see them fight and "very swiftly they turned into two different people." Jon and Kate's show Jon and Kate plus 8 will go on, however. It may just be Jon or Kate plus 8! Jon and Kate's kids will continue to live in their Wernersville mansion while Kate and Jon rotate living there.

Is Jon from Jon and Kate Plus 8 engaged?

yea but we dont know were hes moving to no hes not taking the kids

Why arent cameras in the kids rooms on 'Jon and Kate Plus 8' in new house?

Because they are getting older and Jon and Kate feel that the children need their privacy.

Do Jon and Kate Gosselin fight in front of the kids?

Yes. Jon and Kate fight in front of their kids in nearly every episode of their reality show 'Jon & Kate Plus 8." Additionally, reports from people that have worked with them report the couple deportment without the cameras is equally combative.

Who is kate gosslin is it the mom from jon and kate plus 8?

Yes, Kate Gosselin in the mom from Jon and Kate plus 8. She is no longer with Jon and the show has been cancelled.