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No, Bebe hates Cartman, But Wendy told Bebe on what should she because they both really him. But Bebe tell her that she is sexual actracttive to her and ask her to kiss him quickly and get it over it

So no yes because he promise to pay him so they her and red could rub cartman's stomach.

Yes No I don't know how the heck I supposed to know I think no because Bebe hates Cartman and Cartman hates her so it's between yes and no in some episode

I don't know it all depends in some episodes she likes him most episodes she don't

No, because he hates him because he was making fun of Wendy's speech and wish she was teams wit her So no.

so yupp No she hates him but it's good show though.

And Wendy kissed cartman and got it over with.

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Q: Do bebe like Eric cartman from south park?
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