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Virtually all people have the ability to detect odors, so yes, French people can smell.

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Q: Do french people smell
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What is the french verb to smell?

To smell is "sentir" in French. Conjugations in link.

What does sentir mean in French?

Sentir means "to smell" in French.

What does je sens mean in french?

je sens is 'I feel' or 'I smell' in French.

How do you say smell this in french?

sens ça (imperative)

What is the English equivilant of the French word parfume?

The English equivalent of the French word "parfume" is "perfume". Both words have the same definition which is a fragrant liquid used to help people smell pleasantly.

Why did Albert French write the book '' Billy ''?

i think albert french wrote billy to show people how people were treated during that time and how it has changed. he also is giving you a message. the messagem is to treat people right no matter what they look like smell like or act like.

Do people have the same sensitivities to smell?

No people don't have the same sensitivities to smell

Do people with schizophrenia have a smell?

No they do not smell any different than normal people.

What does french bead smell like?

It smells amazingly delicous

How do you say smell a rat in french?

Odeur d'un rat

Can crows smell blood?

I think crows can smell they might have some type of like bo like people do and plus they dont take baths like we do