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Yes they do tend to hibernate a lot, not necessarily in winter. Do not presume there dead if they are in hibernation.

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Q: Do giant African land snails hibernate?
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Related questions

How long does a giant land snail hibernate for?

Giant African Land Snails have been known to hibernate in any part of the year however most cases of snails going into hibernation happen over the winter when it may become too cold for the snail. Typically they hibernate if conditions in their environment are not suitable (i.e. the temperature, humidity, availability of food and other such factors could cause a snail to hibernate).

How did giant African land snails evolve?

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Will UV radiation harm your giant African land snails?

Giant African land snails are native to East Africa but are illegal in the United States for being a devastating invasive species. No, UV radiation will not harm your giant African land snails.

Can giant Africian land snails eat corot?

giant African land snails wont eat Corot.

Who discovered giant African land snails?


How long can you let African land snails hibernate for?

1 munth

How do Giant land snails die?

african snails die by not eat a enough food.

How do giant African land snails communicate?

whit there antennas

What state is trying to eradicate giant African land snails?


Why are giant African land snails called that?

The name is self-explanatory. They are Snails, Giant in size, and native to Africa, also they ared terrestrial (On the Land) as opposed to aquatic species.

Can giant African land snails die without a heat mat?


Can you eat giant African sails?

No you cannot eat giant african land snails, there slime carries food poisoning known as salmonella