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Q: Do vehicles consume more fuel in summer than winter?
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How much fuel do the different vehicles consume liters per kilometers?

Different amounts.

Does W consume less fuel than S in a Mercedes Benz?

No. The W and S on the rocker switch on the center console next to the shifter stands for Summer/Winter. It's just a sensitivity setting for the ASR/automatic traction control/slip control.

What auto fuel is used most in Pakistan?

According to latest figures revealed by OGRA (Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority), CNG is the mostly used fuel in Pakistan. Almost 50% of the overall number of vehicles in Pakistan use CNG as their fuel, 26% use Petrol and around 24% use Diesel as fuel. These figures fluctuate as CNG usage depends upon the its availability which gets lowered in winter season and is normalized in summer season.

In what ways we can consume fuel in vehicles?

To give you a generic understanding, the engine (not motor those are electric) produces thrust and heat. It takes energy or "fuel" to gain thrust. We have only one problem though with today's and most likely tomorrow's vehicles. We use more heat than gain thrust. I forget the exact percent but roughly 70-80 percent of fuel used for a car is lost to heat. Makes ur sports car less sporty now that you think about it. If you look at fuel as an energy provider than when you eat you consume fuel. There are some other ways --Da Python

What is the most fuel used in Pakistan?

According to latest figures revealed by OGRA (Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority), CNG is the mostly used fuel in Pakistan. Almost 50% of the overall number of vehicles in Pakistan use CNG as their fuel, 26% use Petrol and around 24% use Diesel as fuel. These figures fluctuate as CNG usage depends upon the its availability which gets lowered in winter season and is normalized in summer season.

Is there a better time of year to try to sell an auto?

The time definitely depends on fuel costs. The value of larger vehicles tends to drop exponentially when fuel costs get high. Also, during the winter, four wheel drive vehicles sell at their highest. Because of the economic downturn, there is a current great demand for quality used vehicles.

What vehicles have external fuel pumps?

Earlier carburated vehicles used external fuel pumps.

What are two types of fuel vehicles usually run on?

the two types of fuel vehicles usually run on are Gasoline or diesel fuel

Is the fuel consumption in planes higher in summer or winter?

Summer. Aircraft just work better in lower temperatures. Colder air is denser, and so colder air means that the wings produce more lift, the engine produces more power, the propeller produces more thrust and so on. This results in much lower fuel consumption during winter months.

What vehicles are fuel injection vehicles?

The ones withot Carberators

Would you travel to Antarctica in winter or in summer?

You would travel to Antarctica during the austral summer. During the austral winter, the sea ice freezes and essentially doubles the size of the continent, so you couldn't touch land. As well, it's cold enough during the winter to freeze hydraulics and turn jet fuel to sludge.

Is there a fuel pump safety switch on a 99 regal?

No, GM vehicles do not have a fuel shut off/inertia switchNo, GM vehicles do not have a fuel shut off/inertia switch