SPOILER.... If we are talking past-tense then of course she loves him! (Its poor Spike that she never loved) If we are talking currently? Then there may be more to their love story. There are Buffy season 8 comics out that may add to the story.
In the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy loves a number of people.
- First off, she is in love with Angel forever, even after they break up and he moves to LA. They'll always love each other and never forget what they had and could have again.
- In third season of Buffy, she dates a boy named Scott (i believe his last name was Hope), although their relationship doesn't go far, she still liked him for a period of time
- In Fourth season and the beginning of fifth, Buffy had strong feelings for Riley Finn, who works for a government monster hunting facility. However, she never truly loved him.
- Finally, there is Spike. Although she doesn't really love him and only appears to be using him, it is apparent that she did share a bond with him that she never had with anyone else. Their relationship doesn't continue long, but Buffy did at some point care about him.
There are different natures of "Love". In the classical greek definition of the term, There is Eros, Egape, Storge, and Phileo. (http://www.solopath.com/)
And when talking about Love in relation to another person... It could involve one or more of these 4 expression of Love.
I believe Buffy's Love for Angel, stems mainly out of desire (eros). What more desirable is a person that you cant have? A relationship that is taboo (angel turning to angelus). And it is only with Angel that she loses her big-picture perspective, willing to throw away all her responsibilities as a slayer, not with Riley, not with even with Spike. What better episode sums this up, than ANGEL Season 1, Episode 8 "I will remember you".
I think she loved both. Just like how in the real world people can love two different people so did Buffy. Angel possibly could have been the love of her life, but the timing was never exact and if you know anything about timing you know its everything. Spike was there at the right place at the right time, he was there to help Buffy out of her lowest point. Opposites also tend to attract. At first she just used him like she told him, but spike understands her like no one else in her life which connects them on a deeper level. SHe wasnt as open about loving him because lets face it her friends werent very accepting, when you don't have a support system why would you admit you love someone who your friends hate. Also in one of the episodes the girl who can see the future told spike don't worry she will tell you one day foreshadowing Buffy actually admitting her feelings for him. So for as who she loved she loved them both just differently
I believe that Buffy loves both. That's undenible. However, the one she truly loves is definitely Angel. She loved him with everything she had and never felt that way with anyone else(Spike was getting there, but he still can't compete). Even after years of separation in Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8, she was still in love with Angel and he feels the same. Both of them realize this, knowing that they can't be happy with anyone else. Granted, she still loves Spike as well but he can never replace Angel in her heart. I believe she doesn't want to love Angel, but really can not stop. He was always have that place in her heart that no one can ever take, not even Spike(Its sad really. I like Bangel more, but I also like Spuffy as well and I feel sorry for him). Angel is and forever will be Buffy's true love. It is eternal, after all. ^_^
Buffy doesn't find out that angel and cordelia love each other in the tv series, and so far she hasn't found out in the comic series either.
No, she never knew(I really don't think he wants to tell her that, really), however I 'm sure if she does, Buffy will be hurt, jealous, and slightly pissed but not much(Cordelia is dead, after all).
Sadly yes.
He reallly is. Angel still is hopelessly in love with Buffy through all the seasons, even in the comics. He loved her the most out of his other love interests(yes, even Cordy) and he currently still does. You see, unlike Spike, who is slowly moving on but still has feelings for her, he does not have that luxury. He can't forget about her. Seriously. He really is unable to stop loving her. Trust me, he's tried but his feelings never died after he left her in Season 3 of Buffy. I think he eventually accepts this though( Quotes: "Ours is a forever love.", from the Girl in Question, and let's not forget " There's a reason we can never be happy with anyone else" from Twilight. Curtisy of -Angel) The guy is hopeless, but in a cute way.
This really isn't a hard question to answer. Out of these three love interests, Buffy is obviously the one he truly loves the most. Not that he didn't love the other two, of course, because he did love them as well. Angel did love Darla but it stemmed from sympathy, understanding, and all the history they have definitely contributed a lot. However, he didn't really love her that much. Remember, he had a moment of 'perfect despair' with her, not 'true happiness' like he did with Buffy. But, while he did love her, it wasn't nearly as much as Cordelia or Buffy(her especially). Next Cordelia, the second woman he really fell in love with after Buffy. During this time, though Cordy was the one he focused on the most, he still loved two woman at the same time. However, he did and still does love Buffy more than her. I don't really like to say that she was a replacement for Buffy, but in a small way, that's what she was. She still had a large part of his heart, more than Cordy that's for sure. Their relationship lacked the passion and depth of feeling that Bangel has. But he really did love her, and I'm glad that Angel fell for someone other than Buffy(since she did). The reason why I say that Buffy is his true love is because Angel loves her severely, so much so that he can never unlove her. That's a fact. He was able to break up with her because he wanted her to have a life, even if he wasn't in it and that is an incredibly selfless thing to do if you love that person that much. He hurt himself more than he would say and it still does, but he deals. He loves her more than anything in his life besides his son Connor and he can't forget that. There was also the fact that he displayed obvious jealousy over Riley and later Spike(especially Spike), proving his remaining feelings. And remember, when he was jealous over Spike, that was also the time he loved Cordelia as well. There relationship had that passion, love, and trust, even without the sex. That's why he loves her the most out of the three of them. So the order goes: 1st place: Buffy, Second place: Cordelia, and Third place: Darla.
In Buffy the Vampire Slayer she doesn't end up with anyone. However in the final Series of Angel she gets with the Immortal. Later, in the season eight comic of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we find out that it is possibly one of the two alias that is publicly hooking up with the immortal, thereby nulifying the possibility that we actually see Buffy in this episode of Angel.
This question is an opinion...my opinion is yes.If you say....No- You may not like him because you may like more bad men. Angel is cursed with a soul, therefor he is good.Yes- He is kind, sweet, and personally...hot
I would personnaly have to say spike because of his awsome accent, hair, and personallity!!Spike because he has a great smile and I love he's cheek bones and who doesn't love a punk rock vampire that's hilarious and another great thing about him is he's pack. Angel isn't that bad it's just he doesn't have the same appeal as spike and in my opinion he plays a boring character but it's about what turns you on not me so have a look for yourself if you like.
You can purchase the DVD of season 6 or rent it at your local library. I love "Once More, With Feeling," and I wish it was online but sadly only seasons 1 and 2 are available to watch online.
This really isn't a hard question to answer. Out of these three love interests, Buffy is obviously the one he truly loves the most. Not that he didn't love the other two, of course, because he did love them as well. Angel did love Darla but it stemmed from sympathy, understanding, and all the history they have definitely contributed a lot. However, he didn't really love her that much. Remember, he had a moment of 'perfect despair' with her, not 'true happiness' like he did with Buffy. But, while he did love her, it wasn't nearly as much as Cordelia or Buffy(her especially). Next Cordelia, the second woman he really fell in love with after Buffy. During this time, though Cordy was the one he focused on the most, he still loved two woman at the same time. However, he did and still does love Buffy more than her. I don't really like to say that she was a replacement for Buffy, but in a small way, that's what she was. She still had a large part of his heart, more than Cordy that's for sure. Their relationship lacked the passion and depth of feeling that Bangel has. But he really did love her, and I'm glad that Angel fell for someone other than Buffy(since she did). The reason why I say that Buffy is his true love is because Angel loves her severely, so much so that he can never unlove her. That's a fact. He was able to break up with her because he wanted her to have a life, even if he wasn't in it and that is an incredibly selfless thing to do if you love that person that much. He hurt himself more than he would say and it still does, but he deals. He loves her more than anything in his life besides his son Connor and he can't forget that. There was also the fact that he displayed obvious jealousy over Riley and later Spike(especially Spike), proving his remaining feelings. And remember, when he was jealous over Spike, that was also the time he loved Cordelia as well. There relationship had that passion, love, and trust, even without the sex. That's why he loves her the most out of the three of them. So the order goes: 1st place: Buffy, Second place: Cordelia, and Third place: Darla.
In Buffy the Vampire Slayer she doesn't end up with anyone. However in the final Series of Angel she gets with the Immortal. Later, in the season eight comic of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we find out that it is possibly one of the two alias that is publicly hooking up with the immortal, thereby nulifying the possibility that we actually see Buffy in this episode of Angel.
This question is an opinion...my opinion is yes.If you say....No- You may not like him because you may like more bad men. Angel is cursed with a soul, therefor he is good.Yes- He is kind, sweet, and personally...hot
I would personnaly have to say spike because of his awsome accent, hair, and personallity!!Spike because he has a great smile and I love he's cheek bones and who doesn't love a punk rock vampire that's hilarious and another great thing about him is he's pack. Angel isn't that bad it's just he doesn't have the same appeal as spike and in my opinion he plays a boring character but it's about what turns you on not me so have a look for yourself if you like.
You can purchase the DVD of season 6 or rent it at your local library. I love "Once More, With Feeling," and I wish it was online but sadly only seasons 1 and 2 are available to watch online.
Not really. Spike discovers his love for Buffy fairly early on, and when Buffy finds out, she is extremely sure she could never love him. However as the show progresses her love for him becomes more apparent, and just before Spike sadly dies, she tells him she loves him but Spike says "No, you don't; but thanks for saying it." Not quite. I mean they were kinda together during Season 6( the violent, sexual way) and sort of in S7 but never were "truly dating".
Yes, Buffy dies twice in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She dies first in season one when the master drinks from her and she drowns, but Xander manages to bring her back. Then she dies once more in the season five finale when she sacrifices herself for the benefit of the world and for her little sister, the original sacrifice. At the beginning of season six, Willow finds a special way to bring her back again but it has a great price.
They first kiss under magical influence in "Something Blue" Then again she kisses him for not telling Glory that Dawn is the Key. THEN the musical episode at the end but she does say/sing that "this isn't real but I just want to feel" before kissing him even in that scene. Original answer: Buffy and Spike first kiss at the end of the episode 'Once More With Feeling'. Their relationship from there is complicated and kind of messed up.
Buffy got her by just a lil bit
Too many times to count. Even after Buffy Season 3, pretty much every time they see each(with the exceptions of Sancturaryand The Yoko Factor)they would end up kissing or have heated makeout sessions every time! Its not that I hate B/A, I actually love it, but its just so hilarious! I bet that even on that off-screen meeting they had after Buffy was resurrected a second time, while it was never shown, they probably kissed a lot(emphasis on the lot). They never control themselves very well, do they? *laughs*
Charmed: Pheobe/Cole (This is probably one of the closest relationships to the Buffy/Angel thing) True Blood: Sookie/Bill - Sookie/Eric (This is a more recent development) Moonlight: Mick/Beth (This is a bit of a love-resentment relationship). Veronica Mars: Veronica/Logan (This is also a lot like Buffy/Angel without the supernatural stuff. I KNOW it is pegged as a teen drama, but give it a chance because it is one of Joss Whedon's all time favorites). Angel: Fred/Gunn, Fred/Wesley/Illyria (Not a threesome, its a love hate thing BECAUSE of Illyria) Firefly: Mal/Inara (They can't decide which is the dominant emotion - which is amusing to watch, and also sad). Smallville: Clark/Lana (They don't exactly HATE each other, but if you watch, you'll see what I mean. Think: Hancock) These are some of my favorite shows, so happy watching!
At the moment there is no new news of new Buffy episodes, or Buffy-related spin-offs, but season 8 of Buffy has been released in comic book format. Penned by Joss, they are available in most good comic-book retailers, and online. :)who ever said the 8th season was angel it not!Actually there is a season 8 but not on TV it is in comic book for some odd reason i think it was because they thought it would get them more money.it was becase Buffy got cut off so did angel but have you seen his new one with faith called dollhouse!